Myths and legends of the “earth”, the extant Qin ancient records and interpretation of three texts, one is the myth, the other two are “history ”. Among them, the interpretation of the view of the father provides a three-stage system of ancient history, which can be compared with the ancient history and legends of Dongyi and the archeological achievements of Dawenkou Culture and Longhai Culture of Haidai. The birth and formation of the early Huaxia and Huaxia national political systems have always permeated the tribal struggle and integration of the east and west axes of the Yellow River valley. During this period, the original religious reforms of Zhuanxu and Jitian Tiandu and the “Wang Zheng” measures of Yao and Shun Is the two key links. The discussion of this process by ancient history of Dongyi helps to sort out the general context of the origins and development of early Chinese civilization.