Nanoindentation Mechanical Properties and Structural Biomimetic Models of Three Species of Insects W

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liugang168
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Mimicking insect flights were used to design and develop new engineering materials. Although extensive research was done to study various aspects of flying insects. Because the detailed mechanics and underlying principles involved in insect flights remain largely unknown. A systematic study was carried on insect flights by using a combination of several advanced techniques to develop new models for the simulation and analysis of the wing membrane and veins of three types of insect wings, namely dragonfly(Pantala flavescens Fabricius), honeybee(Apis cerana cerana Fabricius) and fly(Sarcophaga carnaria Linnaeus). In order to gain insights into the flight mechanics of insects, reverse engineering methods were used to establish three-dimensional geometrical models of the membranous wings, so we can make a comparative analysis. Then nano-mechanical test of the three insect wing membranes was performed to provide experimental parameter values for mechanical models in terms of nano-hardness and elastic modulus. Finally, a computational model was established by using the finite element analysis(ANSYS) to analyze and compare the wings under a variety of simplified load regimes that are concentrated force, uniform line-load and a torque. This work opened up the possibility towards developing an engineering basis for the biomimetic design of thin solid films and 2D advanced engineering composite materials. Mummyicking pets were used to design and develop new engineering materials. Because the detailed mechanics and underlying principles involved in insect hung in. using a combination of several advanced techniques to develop new models for the simulation and analysis of the wing membrane and veins of three types of insect wings, namely dragonfly (Pantala flavescens Fabricius), honeybee (Apis cerana cerana Fabricius) and fly (Sarcophaga carnaria Linnaeus In order to gain insights into the flight mechanics of insects, reverse engineering methods were used to establish three-dimensional geometrical models of the membranous wings, so we can make a comparative analysis. Then nano-mechanical test of the three insect wing membranes was performed to provide experimental parameter values ​​for mechanical models in terms of nano-hardness a nd elastic modulus. Finally, a computational model was established by using the finite element analysis (ANSYS) to analyze and compare the wings under a variety of simplified load regimes that are concentrated force, uniform line-load and a torque. This work opened up the possibility for developing an engineering basis for the biomimetic design of thin solid films and 2D advanced engineering composite materials.
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