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美空军正着手研制可交互操作的联合通信网 ,以便把整个指挥机构和战场的“情报、监视、侦察”(ISR)系统连接起来。它将是一个以国际互联网协议为基础的网络 ,准备把可能利用的机载平台作为它的节点。据称 ,该网将与现有的和未来的天基及地面上的网络相连接 ,以便为现在的和未来 The U.S. Air Force is working on an interoperable, integrated communications network that connects the entire command structure with the battlefield “intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance” (ISR) system. It will be a network based on the Internet protocol, ready to make its possible use of the airborne platform as its node. It is said that the network will connect with existing and future space-based and earth-based networks in order to provide for the present and the future
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Ever since the nitrogen-fixing properties of legumes were discovered more than a century ago, scientists have dreamt of transferring the same trait to cereals.
head over heels“heel”是脚跟。“head over heels”指“头朝下,倒栽葱”。此语也可说成“heels over head”。这个短语还可以转义指“乱纷纷地,鲁莽地,急促地”或“深深
沈复在《浮生六记》中曾告诫后世夫妻,不可相仇,也不要过分情笃,以免乐极生悲。自我记事起,父母从未吵过架,相濡以沫。也许天妒良缘,他们终究成了半路夫妻。  母亲去世那年,父亲四十六岁,“中年丧妻”乃古人所言人生三大不幸之一。我和年少的弟弟觉得自己成了世上最不幸、最痛苦的孩子。现在想来,对于当时的父亲,才是真正的锥心挖骨之痛。  父亲当年在镇上的粮管所工作,他为人忠厚善良,處事口碑极好。自母亲去世不久
My wife, Shirley, and I have gone on vacations to quiet beach in southwestern Florida for most of our married life. If that beach could talk, it would tell of
At the Mexican border, the California Highway Patrol routinely tests the exhausts of lorries coming into America to see if they are too smoky. Those that do no
连词 before 的语义比较确切、语法功能单一,只引起时间状语从句,表示主句行为发生的时间先于从句。但从“时间”这个基本概念出发,可以引伸出许多不同的细微含义,从而产生