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这是组建我军第一支坦克部队——东北坦克大队的种子部队。经过历史沧桑和风云变换,当年的坦克独立第一团在白山黑水间演变为一支专业化模拟蓝军部队。他们继承了坦克独立第一团的光荣传统,继续履行新时期的使命任务,在演习场上一次次演绎着战胜强手、攻城拔寨的精彩故事。这些故事见证了我军坦克部队的发展历程。内蒙古草原深处的朱日和训练基地,天还没亮,战斗气氛就笼罩了整个大漠草原。随着导演部一声令下,“跨越—2014·朱日和”系列演习的第四场演练在黎明时分激烈打响。蓝军形神兼备,曾多次战胜前来挑战的红军,接连使出狠招杀招,逼着 This is the seed unit that formed the first tank unit of our army, the Northeast Tank Brigade. After the vicissitudes of history and the changing situation, the first group of independent tanks of the year evolved into a specialized simulation blue army force in the White Mountains and black waters. They inherited the glorious tradition of the first regiment of the Tank Independence and continued to carry out their missions in the new period. They again and again demonstrated the wonderful stories of defeating strong hand and siege the city on the exercise field. These stories bear witness to the development of our army’s tank forces. Inner Mongolia grassland depth of Zhu and training base, the sky is not bright, the atmosphere of the battle enveloped the entire desert grassland. As the director’s order was given, the fourth exercise of the series “Crossing -2014 · Zhu Rihe” started fiercely at dawn. The blue army has both form and spirit, has repeatedly overcome the challenges of the Red Army, one after another resorted to hate tactics, forcing
摘要:在分析暖通课程教学现状的基础上,提出了将CFD技术引入到暖通专业教学中来,通过将暖通的教学与CFD技术紧密结合使教学中难以讲解清楚的现象直观地展现在学生面前,有助于学生提高室内环境分析的基本技能和计算机操作与软件的应用能力。  关键词:CFD;暖通;教学  作者简介:李炎锋(1971-),男,河南新密人,北京工业大学建筑工程学院,教授;林欣欣(1988-),男,河北邢台人,北京工业大学建筑工
墨西哥街头,有一位当地的老大伯正在拿刀削着一样东西。瞧!他边上还放着满满一大筐……你知道他在做什么吗?  (友情提示:这个东西是绿色的……)      答案:在墨西哥,仙人掌随处可见。全世界已知的1000多种仙人掌中,在墨西哥可以找到500多种,其中有200多种是墨西哥特有的。仙人掌果可作水果食用,去皮的仙人掌可作蔬菜,图中的墨西哥人就是在削仙人掌的皮。你愿意尝尝吗?
沼气池的越冬管理,除池内增温、池外保温外,还须加入添加剂,促进发酵细菌的生长繁殖,以加速沼料分解,提高产气量。现将常用的添加剂介绍如下: 1.热性发酵原料 如豆腐坊、酒
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The increase in capacity of displacement piles with time after installation is typically known as soil/pile set-up. A full-scale field test is carried out to ob