
来源 :石油天然气学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lilac_cs
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目前,尕斯库勒E31油藏综合含水上升速度加快,油藏逐步进入中高含水阶段,油层水淹问题日趋严重,虽然从表面上看油藏未出现明显的递减和大幅度的产量波动,但油藏稳产基础不牢固,油田稳产难度越来越大。分析了沉积模式及测井响应特征,发现不同的沉积微相在测井曲线上的响应特征不同。油井产液剖面、注水井吸水剖面的统计分析结果表明:河口砂坝区域储层物性好,储量动用程度高,采出程度高,水淹严重。远端坝砂体分布范围较小,物性较好,以渗透率较高为主,采出程度较高,水淹严重。席状砂采出程度偏低,水淹相对较弱,靠近边水处水淹较强。水下河道采出程度较高,水淹偏强。分流河道受开发方式和过程的影响,局部采出程度偏低,水淹相对较弱。泛滥汊道水淹相对较强。研究结果对水淹层测井资料解释及剩余油分布研究有重要指导意义。 At present, the comprehensive water cut of Gascule E31 reservoir is accelerating, and the reservoir gradually enters the middle-high water cut stage. The problem of flooding of oil reservoirs is becoming more and more serious. Although there is no apparent decrease and significant yield fluctuation on the surface, The stable foundation of the reservoir is not solid and the oilfield is more and more difficult to maintain stable production. The sedimentary model and log response characteristics are analyzed. It is found that the response characteristics of different sedimentary microfacies on well logging curves are different. The results of well production profile and water injection profile of oil well show that the estuarine sandstone reservoir has good physical properties, high utilization of reserves, high recovery and severe flooding. The distribution of the distal bar sand bodies is small, with good physical properties, high permeability, high recovery and severe flooding. Silt-like sand mining level is low, relatively weak flooding, near the water flooding strong. Underwater river mining a higher degree of flooding is too strong. The diversion channel is affected by the development mode and process, the local recovery is low and the flooding is relatively weak. Flooding flooding is relatively strong. The results of the study have important guiding significance for the interpretation of well logging data and the distribution of remaining oil in the flooded layer.
一个时期以来,理论界对扩大内需问题进行了热烈的探讨。现将主要观点作一综述。 一、对扩大内需的整体认识 在1998年12月召开的中央经济工作会议上江泽民同志就指出:“扩大
日本KLD-70装载机所用的硅整流发电机晶体管电压调节器出现故障后一时无法找到合适的电压调节器代替,利用国产零件修复或仿制很有必要。原理: 调试:修复的电压调节器需分两
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目的 :本研究使用胆碱能阻断剂探讨梭曼引起降温作用的胆碱能途径。方法 :用数字体温计测量大鼠的结肠温度 ,每次间隔 60min ,观察了外周性毒蕈碱阻断剂甲基东莨菪碱和中枢性
利用主应力法和变形功法推算精锻直齿伞齿轮的变形力,阐明初等解法的具体步骤和特点,并利用实测数据校核理论计算结果的精确度。 The principal stress method and deformat
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苦苣(Smallanthus sonchifolia)是生长于南美安第斯高原的菊科植物,地下部分与甘薯相似,因富含低聚果糖、多酚、低热量植物纤维而倍受关注,日本用于改善生活习惯病、增进健