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目的探讨广东省实施消除疟疾所面临的问题,为制定全省消除疟疾计划提供依据。方法分层随机整群抽样,然后采用回归流行病学与现场调查相结合方法。结果Ⅱ类疟区惠城区与Ⅲ类疟区兴宁市村民疟防知识平均知晓率、媒介按蚊密度、镜检员镜检技术熟练程度、医务人员疟疾诊治知晓率差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),其率或密度分别为73.8%和35.0%;6只和454只;69.2%和37.5%;75.0%和54.5%。两市(区)村民的防蚊设施覆盖率分别是93.9%和91.4%,差异无统计学意义。两市(区)中小学生疟疾抗体检测都为阴性,两市(区)镜检设备均较为残旧,大部分不能用于疟原虫镜检。结论广东省要在全省范围内实现消除疟疾,Ⅲ类疟区县比Ⅱ类疟区县难度更大,不论Ⅱ类、Ⅲ类疟区县,通过加强卫生宣教和培训、提高监测能力和补充镜检设备,全省消除疟疾的目标有可能实现。 Objective To investigate the problems faced by Guangdong in implementing malaria elimination and provide the basis for the establishment of a malaria elimination program across the province. Methods Stratified random cluster sampling, and then using regression epidemiology and field surveys combined method. Results The average awareness of Malaria prevention knowledge, the density of Anopheles mosquitoes, the proficiency of microscopic examination of mirror inspectors and the awareness rate of malaria diagnosis and treatment among the villagers in Grade Ⅱ malaria and type Ⅲ malaria cases were all statistically significant ( P <0.05), with rates or densities of 73.8% and 35.0%, 6 and 454, 69.2 and 37.5%, 75.0 and 54.5%, respectively. The coverage of mosquito control facilities in the two cities (districts) was 93.9% and 91.4% respectively, with no significant difference. The malaria antibody tests of primary and secondary students in both cities (districts) are all negative, and the microscopic examination equipment of the two cities (districts) are relatively old, most of which can not be used for the microscopic examination of malaria parasites. Conclusion In Guangdong Province, the elimination of malaria should be realized in the whole province. It is more difficult for Grade Ⅲ malaria counties to be more endemic than Grade Ⅱ malaria counties, regardless of type Ⅱ and type Ⅲ malaria counties. By strengthening health education and training, monitoring capacity and supplement Mirror inspection equipment, the province’s goal of eliminating malaria is possible.
文章运用文献资料研究方法,通过对武术套路运动中的定式美和动态美进行分析,从而对武术在动静中的美和给人美的享受进行阐述,进而挖掘武术美的深刻蕴涵。 By using the meth
一、审计的职能  审计的职能,顾名思义,它是审计固有的内在功能,是审计本质的客观反映。首先,从经济监督职能来看,是审计最基本的功能,目的在于监察和督促。三类审计都是末端的监