Oral English Teaching: an Indispensable Factor in English Teaching

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  1. The Situation of Present College English Teaching
  Since China's entering WTO and its policy of deepening the "open door" policy, we have been brought about great opportunities of constructing modernization. We are in fact in need of the talented with professional knowledge as well as skillful foreign language. This is a big challenge facing college English teaching. In our country now, teachers are paying more attention to vocabulary and grammar; reading and writing are still being overlooked, let alone oral English teaching. 30 years have passed since 1980s, when the beginning of CET4 and CET6. We ought to say that CET has really contributed a lot to college English teaching, and we have nurtured many students whose English is truly good. However, from another side we can see that we failed in English teaching during about 30 years. In addition, the biggest failure is that for a large number of college students they are "dumb" in oral English. It is not uncommon for an undergraduate who passes CET4, cannot read a simple article fluently; a graduate who passes CET6 cannot exchange ideas with an interviewer in an interview; and a doctor who attends an international academic conference abroad needs an interpreter.
  2. Defects in Oral English Teaching
  2.1 Most colleges and universities are now receiving more and more newcomers each year. The number is so enlarged that in some class teachers have to have 100 or even more students in an English class. The teachers are badly in need. Although there are regulations and limitations, they are forced to turn to traditional way of teaching. It is so difficult for teachers and students to exchange ideas during classes. The bigger the class is, the less opportunities for teachers to aid individual students. For the reasonable teaching way of English, we sometimes need small classes, especially for oral English teaching.
  2.2 In CET testing system, there is a score requirement for attending an oral test, at first 80, and even it is now less, still not so many attend that. Colleges and society all see if a student has passed CET (listening reading and writing). Some colleges and universities set up their own regulation. Many companies and institutions will require a job applier for a certificate of CET4 or CET6. We all know that CET4 testing system has been doing well in helping English teaching in China for about 30 years. However, as time is going on, it needs to be perfected.
  3. How to Strengthen Oral English Teaching
  3.1 All Sections and People Concerned Should Care for the Situation
  Emphasis should be from up to down, and professional. The National Education Department should put forward effective policies by doing research in detail. Experts in English should really behave like experts to aid the country to make perfect policies. In addition, the heads of colleges and universities should stand higher and view all as a whole, not only the rate of CET 4 of their students. The national CET 4 system is a good way to help English teaching. We should make good use of it. We should use it as a method of teaching, not as a purpose. Think of how many college students we have now, it is a problem. After all more researches need to be done.
  3.2 Think More for the Teachers
  We need to use excellent oral English teachers to teach oral classes. We are really short of that in China. More admissions to college study have already made teachers busy teaching. The college teachers face so many students. In most colleges and universities, one teacher teaches more than 200 students. There are few opportunities for teachers to be trained or go abroad. They are busy teaching, and no time for them to do research. They need the policy of the country and schools.
  4. Conclusion
  In China for a comparatively long time, when people study English, they focus on grammar, vocabulary and reading comprehension only. Therefore, there is a serious problem that learners are short in oral English. Enhancing oral English teaching is to mend the broken parts and defects of English language teaching in the past decades. More and more newcomers are entering college. That is a great pressure for the teachers. Government officials, English experts and educators ought to concern about this problem. It is urgent and it is a big problem facing us in college English teaching in China. We need to look back; we need to make estimation and draw a conclusion; we need to do researches.
  [1]College English Teaching Syllabus(revised edition).上海外语教育出版社,1999.
  [2]The Study of SLA[M].Ellis R.上海外语教育出版社,1999.
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