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长期以来,学期末对学生的终结性评价,多是由班主任在《家长通知书》上寥寥数语略作结论完事。这种单调的方式僵化了学生的评价机制和相应的班主任工作思维,对促进学生的自我完善和主动发展日趋乏效。因此,必须在积极改革学生评价制度的基础上探讨实施新的终结性评价体系。 For a long time, the final assessment of students at the end of the semester, mostly by the class teacher in the “Parental Notice” a few words a little finished conclusion. This monotonous way rigidified the student’s evaluation mechanism and the corresponding thinking of the teacher in charge of the class, which is increasingly ineffective in promoting students’ self-improvement and active development. Therefore, we must explore and implement the new system of final evaluation on the basis of actively reforming the student evaluation system.
Properties of hydroxyapatite (HA,Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2),including bioactivity,biocompatibility,solubility and adsorption could be tailored over wide ranges by the con
A novel salt-assisted low temperature solid state method using CoCl2·6H2O, FeCl3·6H2O and NaOH as pre-cursor and using NaCl as a dispersant to synthesize high
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In this study, novel liver targeted doxorubicin (DOX) loaded alginate (ALG) nanoparticles were prepared by CaCl2 crosslinking method. Glycyrrhetinic acid (GA, a
前言 在我国,幼儿教育是一门年轻的科学,解放后,我们按照苏联学前教育学的模式,批判了西方资产阶级学前教育的模式,继承了中国幼儿教育的传统特点,把中国幼儿教育实践中的初