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大刀作为最典型的传统冷兵器之一,为中国所独有,外国人称之为“Chinese broad-sword”,意为“中国宽剑”。这是因为通常意义上所说的大刀,其型制脱胎于宋代的“手刀”,特点是刀身前部宽厚,势大力沉,利于劈砍。19世纪后半叶,随着枪、炮等热兵器的普及,大刀逐渐式微,只是作为辅助的冷兵器使用。到了清末民初,军阀混战此起彼伏,各派无不争相扩充势力,一时间武器装备成了大问题,大刀因为制造简单、成本低廉,又被重新拾起,甚至成为很多杂牌军队的主要武器。即使在1920年代中后期,中国军队装备逐渐现代化的同时,大刀仍作为一种主战武器保留下来。其原因一是对敌人来说,遇上大刀就难免有被枭首示众的厄运,具有一定的威慑作用;另一个重要因素是当时步枪基本依靠进口,军队中刺刀多半配备不齐,国内也很少能自行补充,肉搏时只能以大刀对敌。因此,当日军入侵之初,他们所面对的中国军队通常出现这样一道奇怪的景观:最原始的大刀与最先进的坦克同时出现在战场上。 Knife as one of the most typical traditional cold weapons, unique to China, foreigners call it “Chinese broad-sword”, meaning “Chinese wide sword.” This is because, in the usual sense, the sword is based on the “hand knives” of the Song Dynasty and is characterized by the generous front and the heavy sinking of the blade, which is good for hacking. In the second half of the 19th century, with the popularity of firearms, guns and other hot weapons, the boldness of the knife was gradually diminished and merely used as an auxiliary cold weapon. By the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, the warlords scrambled over one after another. All factions were vying for expansion of their forces. For a time, weapons and equipment became a big problem. Because of its simplicity and low cost, the sword was again picked up and even become the main weapon of many no-name troops. Even as China’s military equipment was gradually modernized in the mid-to-late 1920s, the sword remained as a main battle weapon. One of the reasons for this is that for the enemy, encountering a big knife will inevitably lead to the doom being bullshit, which will have a certain deterrent effect. Another important factor is that the rifle basically relied on imports at that time. Most of the bayonets in the armed forces were not equipped well and few in China Be able to add their own, only in the melee when fighting. Therefore, at the beginning of the Japanese invasion, the Chinese army they faced usually had such a weird landscape: the most primitive sword appeared simultaneously with the most advanced tank on the battlefield.
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