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目的 观察清热泻肺合剂治疗急性支气管炎的疗效.方法 77例患者分组 ,治疗组 47例 ,依据风热犯肺辨证 ,予口服清热泻肺合剂 ,7日为 1疗程 ;对照组 30例 ,静脉点滴青霉素80 0万单位 ,配合棕色合剂 1 0 ml口服 ,7日为 1疗程. 1疗程结束后统计疗效.结果 总有效率治疗组 95.7%,对照组 80 .0%,治疗组疗效优于对照组 ( P“,”Objective To observe the therapeutic efficacy of Qingre Xiefei Mixture on acute bronchitis. Methods Seventy seven patients suffering from acute bronchitis, were randomly allocated to receiving oral Qingre Xiefei Mixture (test group,n=47) or intravenous infusion with penicillin 8 000 000 unit combined with oral Zongse Mixture 10 ml (control group,n=30) during the therapeutic duration of 7 d ,respectively. Results The overall effective rate was significantly higher in test group(95.7%) than that in control group (80.0%) (P<0.05) Conclusions Qingre Xiefei Mixture can produce the definitive effect for treating acute bronchitis.
目的 观察中西医结合治疗充血性心力衰竭的疗效.方法 治疗组 47例应用以通心络 A3 胶囊 (每次 4粒 ,每日 3次 )口服与刺五加注射液静脉点滴 ( 4 0~ 60 ml,每日 1次 )为主的中
目的 观察消瘀补天散治疗消化性溃疡的疗效.方法 消化性溃疡患者 1 53例分为 2组 ,治疗组 1 0 4例服用消瘀补天散 ,每次 3g,每日 4次 ;对照组 49例服用丙谷胺 ,每次 0 .5g,每