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目的:探讨米非司酮片联合盐酸利多卡因用于绝经后妇女减痛取宫内节育器(IUD)的有效性、无痛性、宫颈软化情况及副作用。方法:将绝经后预行取IUD的妇女90人随机分为两组。实验组45例,取IUD术前2天米非司酮150mg分两天75mg顿服,第三天后来该院妇产科门诊手术取IUD,术中按常规操作,于宫颈外口边缘4、8点处距离颈口边缘1mm,分别各注射2%盐酸利多卡因注射液2ml,5min后取IUD;对照组45例,术前2天单用同剂量的米非司酮片每天顿服75mg,第三天来该院妇科门诊部按常规操作取IUD。结果:宫颈软化程序、无痛率、成功率,实验组分别为80.00%、77.78%、95.56%;对照组分别为35.56%、11.11%、57.78%,差异具有显著性意义(P<0.01)。结论:米非司酮片联合盐酸利多卡因用于绝经后妇女取IUD,可以达到进一步软化宫颈、减轻疼痛、出血少、时间短、取IUD成功率高、副作用少的优点,是一种较安全、有效的方法,值得临床推广应用。 Objective: To investigate the efficacy, painlessness, cervical softening and side effects of mifepristone tablets combined with lidocaine hydrochloride in the treatment of pain and withdrawal intrauterine device (IUD) in postmenopausal women. Methods: 90 postmenopausal women with IUD pre-admission were randomly divided into two groups. The experimental group of 45 patients, taking 2 days before IUD mifepristone 150mg two days 75mg Dayton, the third day later the hospital obstetrics and gynecology outpatient surgery to take IUD, according to conventional surgery, at the edge of the cervix outside the mouth 4, 8 points at the edge of the neck 1mm, were injected 2% lidocaine hydrochloride injection 2ml, 5min after IUD; control group of 45 patients, the same dose of mifepristone tablets 2 days before surgery with daily doses of 75mg The third day to the hospital gynecology clinic according to conventional operation to take IUD. Results: Cervical softening procedure, painless rate and success rate were 80.00%, 77.78% and 95.56% respectively in the experimental group and 35.56%, 11.11% and 57.78% in the control group respectively. The difference was significant (P <0.01). Conclusion: The combination of mifepristone tablets and lidocaine hydrochloride for IUD in postmenopausal women can achieve the advantages of further softening cervix, reducing pain, less bleeding, short time, high IUD success rate and less side effects. Safe, effective method, it is worth clinical application.
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