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最近,省林业情报中心召开各地(市)林业情报中心站负责人会议,厅直各专业情报中心的也派人参加会议,林业厅科教处副处长,原林业情报中心站副站长武渺同志参加了会议,并就如何开展情报工作,加强情报中心建设发表了意见。会上传达贯彻了国家情报局,林业部林业情报中心的有关文件;各地(市)汇报、交流了情报调研、咨询服务等方面经验体 Recently, the Provincial Forestry Information Center held a meeting of heads of forestry information center stations of all localities (cities), and all specialized information centers directly attended the meeting. Deputy Director of Science and Education Department of Forestry Department and Deputy Director of the former Forestry Information Center Station Wu Mi Comrades attended the meeting and delivered opinions on how to carry out intelligence work and strengthen the construction of the intelligence center. At the meeting, the documents related to the implementation of the National Intelligence Service and the Forestry Information Center of the Ministry of Forestry were delivered. All localities (cities) reported on and exchanged experiences on intelligence research and advisory services
I used to think life of cadets would only be pieced togetherfragments of busy study and tedious military training. But an“expedition” completely changed my m
After making a fortune,Baxter wearied ofcivilization and its luxuries.He moved to SouthSea island paradise.There he lived in a thatchedhut with a native bride.
苏霍姆林斯基指出:“教师的语言修养在极大程度上决定着学生在课堂上脑力劳动的效率。我们深信,高度的语言修养是合理利用时间的重要保证。”成功的教学离不开教学语 Suhoml
Japan is getting tough aboutrecycling-and not in the paperand plastic kind of way. Starting in2001, the country will require thatall electronics goods-TVs,VCRs
私家车加气排起长龙,出租车天然气加气站全面挂停气牌,工商业用气大面积停供,居民用气紧张……  乍看上去,这次突如其来的天然气紧张,只是源于“雪一直下”。  “11月以来,我国出现长时间大范围雨雪天气,造成华北、两湖、西北和华东地区天然气使用量增长迅速,普遍超出供应计划,天然气供需矛盾突出。”11月18日,发自新华社的消息如是说。  相比自然灾害带来的突发状况,数日之后,来自国家发改委的表态则激起了
1森林是绿色长城,它能避免风沙侵袭,改善生态环境,造福于人类。我国虽地域辽阔,人口众多,但森林面积极少,目前全世界人均森林十二亩,而我国人均不足二亩。 1 The forest is