Establishment and evaluation of operation function model for cascade hydropower station

来源 :Water Science and Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:soar
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Toward solving the actual operation problems of cascade hydropower stations under hydrologic uncertainty,this paper presents the process of extraction of statistical characteristics from long-term optimal cascade operation,and proposes a monthly operation function algorithm for the actual operation of cascade hydropower stations through the identification,processing,and screening of available information during long-term optimal operation.Applying the operation function to the cascade hydropower stations on the Jinshajiang-Yangtze River system,the modeled long-term electric generation is shown to have high precision and provide benefits.Through comparison with optimal operation,the simulation results show that the operation function proposed retains the characteristics of optimal operation.Also,the inadequacies and attribution of the algorithm are discussed based on case study,providing decision support and reference information for research on large-scale cascade operation work. Toward solving the actual operation problems of cascade hydropower stations under hydrologic uncertainty, this paper presents the process of extracting of statistical characteristics from long-term optimal cascade operation, and viiao a monthly operation function algorithm for the actual operation of cascade hydropower stations through the identification , processing, and screening of available information during long-term optimal operation. Applying the operation function to the cascade hydropower stations on the Jinshajiang-Yangtze River system, the modeled long-term electric generation is shown to have high precision and provide benefits. Through comparison with optimal operation, the simulation results show that the operation function proposed retains the characteristics of optimal operation.Also, the inadequacies and attribution of the algorithm are discussed based on case study, providing decision support and reference information for research on large-scale cascade operation work.
摘 要:石板滩位于成都平原与龙泉山之间的丘陵地带,是当初“五大场镇之首”,现居住在这个地方的人大都是当初来自广东梅县、五华县、兴宁县、长乐县的移民,使用的也是客家话。本文对石板滩客家话与成都话做了一个比较,运用了统计、分析、比较、考证的方法加以分析对比,理清了石板滩客家话与成都话之间的联系与区别,也发现了这两种语言各自的特点。  本文全文主要分为三个部分:1、石板滩及石板滩方言概况;2、石板滩客家
摘 要:“看”在现代汉语口语交际中频繁使用,伴随着语言的发展与演变,逐渐发生了语法化。在现代汉语共时层面,“看”的基本用法是作表示视觉行为的感官动词,发生语法化后,可以作助词、情态标记词、近将来时态标记词、语用标记语、话语标记语使用。  关键词:看;语法化  作者简介:周晨(1995-),女,汉族,辽宁沈阳人,渤海大学硕士研究生,研究方向:现代汉语语法。  [中图分类号]:H146 [文献标识码]
基金项目:本文系河北省文化艺术科学规划项目成果,批准号:HB18-YB001。  [中图分类号]:G12 [文献标识码]:A  [文章编号]:1002-2139(2019)-06--01  燕赵文化是中华民族文化宝库的重要组成部分,是地域和国家文化软实力的象征。广义的燕赵文化,是对河北文化的统称,包括河北地域内的政治文化、制度文化、物质文化、生活文化等。狭义的燕赵文化,包括先秦时期的燕文化和赵文化
摘 要:跨文化交际中的影响因素是多方面的,但俗话说“民以食为天”,初进入到外域文化中,饮食文化对交际的影响是很大的。本文将分别从中西方的饮食结构、饮食习俗、饮食特征三个角度,研究探讨中西方饮食文化的差异。希望能为跨文化的交际带来一定的帮助。  关键词:跨文化交际;饮食文化;差异  [中图分类号]:G12 [文献标识码]:A  [文章编号]:1002-2139(2019)-06--01  跨文化交际