
来源 :电力系统自动化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mj5211314
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A new adaptive single-pole autoreclosure technique based on the magnitude of fault point voltage is presented.After fault phase tripping,the fault point voltage of transient faults is essentially different from that of permanent faults,so the magnitude of fault point voltage is used to distinguish fault nature.Fault point voltage can be calculated through uniform transmission line equation.Considering that fault point voltage changes with fault location and transition resistance,a concept of real-time action voltage setting is put forward.The technique solves the problem that criterions based on terminal voltage could be easily affected by inductive coupling voltage and transition resistance.Simulation results show that the method is reliable. A new adaptive single-pole autoreclosure technique based on the magnitude of fault point voltage is presented. After fault phase tripping, the fault point voltage of transient faults is essentially different from that of permanent faults, so the magnitude of fault point voltage is used to distinguish fault nature. Fault point voltage can be calculated through uniform transmission line equation. Consumption that that fault point voltage changes with fault location and transition resistance, a concept of real-time action voltage setting is put forward. The technique solves the problem that criterions based on terminal voltage could be easily affected by inductive coupling voltage and transition resistance. Simulation results show that the method is reliable.
摘 要: 多媒体教学手段具有图文并茂、声像并茂、能动会变、形象直观的特点,能最大限度地激发学生学习思想品德课的兴趣,激发学生强烈的学习欲望,对提高思想品德课的教学实效具有重要的作用。在交互式的多媒体教学中,学生真正成为学习的主体,教师努力创设情境,学生主动获得知识,自己发现问题。要注意不能一味地用多媒体课件追求激发学生兴趣而忽视正确引导,使政治课变成“放像课”,影响学生对基本理论的掌握。  关键词
英语作为一种拼音文字,理应被容易学习和掌握,但事实相反,在农村初中,有的学生,连英语中的26个字母都写不出来,甚至把一个简单单词中的字母写得颠三倒四。  针对上述原因,我们认真分析,到底是学生的能力不够呢,还是教师没有抓住问题的关键呢?不可否认,在农村学校的确有较城市学校更多的学习困难生,但我们的教学方法上不能说没有不足。因此,转变学生的学习方式,真正把主动权交给学生,由“要你学”转为“我想学”,