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分析一下我国近几年城乡居民的消费结构就会发现物质生活消费和精神文化生活消费严重失衡的现象:随着收入水平的提高,精神文化生活消费所占比重呈现出下降的趋势。再分析一下精神文化消费的内部结构,我们发现:娱乐性消费与知识性消费之间严重失衡,即知识性消费所占比重趋于下降;进而分析一下知识性消费的内部结构我们又发现:书报费与学杂费之间严重失衡,即书报费所占比重大幅度下降。据国家统计局的统计,93年上半年居民人均月教育支出为5.6元,比去年同期增长56.9%,但其中购买教材及参考书支出仅增长4.8%,占教育支出的8.8%。这种状况引起了舆论界的关注。《中国消费者报》9月27日头版头条惊呼:消费者,何时走出“越穷越不买书,越不买书越没文化,越没文化越不读书,越不读书越穷”的怪圈?这确实是个发人深省、令人担忧的怪圈。从长远看,不走出这个怪圈,将导致我们民族文化的衰落和难 Analysis of the consumption structure of urban and rural residents in recent years in China will find that there is a serious imbalance between the consumption of material life and the consumption of spiritual and cultural life. As the income level rises, the share of consumption in spiritual and cultural life shows a declining trend. Then analyze the internal structure of spiritual and cultural consumption, we found that: a serious imbalance between entertainment consumption and knowledge consumption, that is, the proportion of knowledge consumption tends to decline; and then analyze the internal structure of knowledge consumption we also found: book A serious imbalance between tuition and fees, that is, the proportion of books and newspapers dropped significantly. According to the statistics of the National Bureau of Statistics of China, the per-capita monthly expenditure on education was 5.6 yuan in the first half of 93, an increase of 56.9% over the same period of last year. However, expenditure on the purchase of teaching materials and reference books increased by only 4.8%, accounting for 8.8% of education expenditure. This situation has aroused the media’s attention. “Chinese Consumer News” on September 27 front page exclamation: consumers, when out of “the poorer the more do not buy a book, the less you buy a book without culture, the less culture, the less the book, the more the poorer the study”. This is really a thought-provoking, worrisome cycle. In the long run, without going out of this vicious circle, it will lead to the decline and difficulty of our national culture
在沸石分子筛催化剂的研究中,de Boer 等人提出的t-作图法在低温氮吸附容量法方面,已经证明对于测定催化剂的分子筛含量及无定形载体比表面大小是个有力的工具。另一方面,目
介绍了水雾化法生产铁粉的装置、喷嘴型式、影响出粉率及铁粉含氧量的因素。列出了铁粉的化学成分及物理性能。 The water atomizing method for producing iron powder, th
三十、传送带的间歇传动装置 1、机构概述如图30所示机构是包装机中用于输送被包装物品的传送带的送进装置。这种包装机是将被包装物品放入开口的塑料袋中,用图示的传送带送
为迎接2008年北京奥运会,让首都北京从单纯的绿化转向彩化,进一步美化市容,由国家林业局、北京奥组委、世界华侨华人社团联合总会及北京市政府发起的"万亩彩色生态林工程 I