阿第克越南(Adecco Vietnam)公司近期公布的一项问卷调查结果显示,越南儿童最憧憬的职业是医生。这一结论是该机构以“将来想从事的职业”为题,对6—15岁的越南儿童进行调查后得出的。调查结果表明,越南儿童将来想从事的职业,居首位的依然与上次一样是医生,第二至五位分别为歌手、教师、警官和时装设计师。此外,创意领域和娱乐领域的职业广受越南儿童欢迎。
According to a recent survey conducted by Adecco Vietnam, doctors said the most promising job for Vietnamese children is doctors. This conclusion is based on the agency’s investigation of Vietnamese children aged 6-15 in the title of “Career to be Engaged in the Future.” The results of the survey show that the Vietnamese children’s career to be engaged in the future is still the same as that of the previous one, with the second to fifth respectively being singers, teachers, police officers and fashion designers. In addition, occupations in the creative and entertainment fields are widely welcomed by Vietnamese children.