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许多朋友爱喝酒,宋代大文学家欧阳修有句名言,叫作『醉翁之意不在酒』。的确,饮酒是一种文化,高雅的饮者举杯决不仅仅为了酒精对大脑的麻醉,他们喝下的内涵更丰富。古时的文人雅士饮酒讲究『饮人』、『饮地』、『饮候』、『饮趣』、『饮禁』。所谓『饮人』是说为人而饮,饮酒大多是一种群体行为,举杯也往往成为一种友情与精神的交流形式。『春秋多佳日,登高赋新诗。过门更相呼,有酒斟酌之。农务多自归,闲暇辄相思。相思则披衣,言笑无厌时。』田园诗人陶渊明在他的许多诗中描述了朋友把酒欢聚的愉悦之情,他的欢乐主要来自朋友间的『言笑无厌时』。欢聚要畅饮,离别亦须举杯,『渭城朝雨浥轻尘,客舍青青柳色新。劝君更尽一杯酒,西出阳关无故人。』诗人王维在送朋友赴边地从军时,洒泪举杯话别,那首感人的活别诗也一挥而就。『饮地』是指为饮酒的环境、景色而饮。优美的自然风光往往让人留连忘返,而在大自然中把酒畅饮,更是乐趣无穷。山间置酒、湖中设舟常成为古人饮酒的乐事,正像欧阳修在(《醉翁亭记》)中说的那样:『山水之乐,得 Many friends love to drink, the great writer of the Song Dynasty Ouyang Xiu has a famous saying, called “the meaning of drunkenness is not in wine.” Indeed, drinking is a culture, elegant drinker toast must not only alcohol for the brain anesthesia, they drink more content. Ancient literati drink alcohol to pay attention to “drink person”, “drink land”, “drinking”, “drink fun”, “ban drink.” The so-called “drink people” is to drink for people, drinking is mostly a group behavior, toast often become a form of friendship and spirit of communication. “Spring and Autumn and more good day, Deng Fu new poetry. Across the door more shouts, wine discretion. More self-care farm, leisure time Acacia. Acacia is dressed, speechless when speechless. Tao Yuanming, the idiot, described in his many poems the delight of friends gathering drinks, his joy mainly coming from the ”grudge between friends“. To gather together to drink, leave must also be a toast, ”Weicheng North Korea rain light and dust, the hotel willow green color. Advise Jun even make a glass of wine, west of the Yang Guan no reason people. When poet Wang Wei sent his friend to go to the army from the sidelines, he said with tears and toast, and the farewell poem of the first impression touched off. Drinking land means drinking in the environment and scenery. Beautiful natural scenery often makes linger, but in the nature to drink wine, is more fun. The setting of wine in the mountains, the setting of the lake in the lake often becomes an affair for the ancients to drink, just as Ouyang Xiu said (“Zeng Weng Ting Ji”): "
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