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从6月25日开始,“假如你只是上网浏览的话,你完全可以不启动 Windows!”,美国凤凰科技(PhoenixTechnologies Ltd.)亚太区总裁 George Man 的发言在3个小时之后便得到了全面证实。方正科技当日对外宣布,其最新的一款家用电脑卓越 A+系列将采用 Phoenix的 FirstWare Connect 技术,使 PC 不启动操作系统也能直接上网。Phoenix 全球总裁兼首席执行官 Albert Sisto先生宣布,方正科技是全球范围内第一个应用其最新BIOS(计算机基本输出入系统)技术的 PC 厂商。把“机顶盒”装入电脑“只要不用复杂的功能,不使用其他应用程序,仅仅浏览上网的话,那么,你完全可以不启动 Windows。”一位方正员工在演示卓越 A+电脑时说道。在开机后有个选择:进入 Phoenix 图形化 BIOS 界面或启动正常的OS(操作系统)。“这是不是等于在电脑里增加了一个类似机顶盒一样的东西?”这一疑问立即得到了Phoenix 公司一位技术人员的肯定。这位技术人员还赞同了记者下面一个判断:电脑显示屏比电视机有着更好 Starting June 25, “If you just surf the Internet, you can not start Windows at all!”, And George Man, Asia Pacific president of Phoenix Technologies Ltd., was fully confirmed in three hours. Founder Technology announced on the same day, the latest version of a home computer excellence A + series will use Phoenix’s FirstWare Connect technology, so that the PC does not start the operating system can also access the Internet. Mr. Albert Sisto, President and CEO of Phoenix, announces that Founder Technologies is the first PC manufacturer in the world to apply its latest BIOS (basic input / output system) technology. “Putting a Set-Top Box Into Your Computer” As long as you do not have to use complicated functions, no other applications, just surfing the Internet, you can not start Windows at all. “One Founder employee said during a demo of A +. After boot there is a choice: enter the Phoenix graphical BIOS interface or start a normal OS (operating system). ”Does this mean adding something like a set-top box to a computer?" The question was immediately confirmed by a Phoenix technician. The technician also agrees with the reporter’s judgment that the computer screen is better than the television
择区性颈清扫术(selective neck dissection)治疗效果与术者的手术操作是否规范直接有关.最常见的有以下2个方面的问题:①清扫范围不够,后界未达到胸锁乳突肌后缘;乳突下方Ⅱb区淋巴、脂肪组织遗漏;下界未达肩胛舌骨肌中间腱(Ⅰ~Ⅲ区)或锁骨上缘(Ⅱ~Ⅳ区);②清扫的淋巴、脂肪组织没有整块切除,而是分块切除,甚至变成淋巴结摘除;从而影响择区性颈清扫手术的肿瘤治疗效果[1].颈中部器
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垂枝紫果云杉(新变型) Picea purpurea Mast. form. pendula Hsu, san et Chang f. nov. A form. purpurea recedit ramulis, longioribus gracilioribus pendulis; cortice
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