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塑料大棚生料立体栽培平菇,是目前生产中应用的一项新技术。与阳畦栽培相比,它具有占地少、环境条件易控制、产量高而稳等优点,可使菇农获得较高的经济效益。但在栽培中由于不能预防杂菌污染,往往导致很大的经济损失。下面介绍一套有效预防杂菌污染,夺取大棚平菇高产稳产的技术措施。措施1:选择适宜的栽培时间和菌种,春栽宜选中温优质菌种,1月下旬加温制栽培种,2月下旬开始播种;秋栽宜选低温优质菌种,8月底制栽培种,10月上旬开始播种。措施2:培养料中不加麸皮、米糠、糖等营养。其配方为棉子壳97%、石灰粉2%、过磷酸钙1%,另加50%的多菌灵0.1%,料水比为1∶1.4。棉子壳要用新鲜无霉变的。措施3:拌好的培养料堆成底宽1.5米,上宽和高均为1.2米的不限长度的梯形堆,外表拍实。每隔50 Plastic shed raw materials three-dimensional cultivation of mushrooms, is the production of a new technology. Compared with the cultivation of sunburn, it has the advantages of less land occupation, easy control of environmental conditions, high yield and stability, etc., which can make mushroom farmers obtain higher economic benefits. However, cultivation can not prevent bacterial contamination, often resulting in great economic losses. The following describes a set of effective prevention of bacterial contamination, capture high-yield and stable greenhouse mushroom technical measures. Measures 1: Select the appropriate cultivation time and strains, spring should choose high temperature quality strains, warm cultivation in late January, began sowing in late February; autumn planting should be selected high-quality low-temperature bacteria, the end of August cultivated , Sowing begins in early October. Measure 2: cultivate the material without bran, rice bran, sugar and other nutrients. The formula is 97% cotton seed shell, lime powder 2%, superphosphate 1%, plus 50% carbendazim 0.1%, water to water ratio of 1: 1.4. Cotton seed to use fresh moldy. Measure 3: Mix well training material pile at the end of the width of 1.5 meters, width and height of 1.2 meters are not limited to the length of the trapezoidal pile, the appearance of film reality. Every 50
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In this paper, we simulate the effect of Polarization Mode Dispersion( PMD ) on 40 Gb/s dispersion compensation transmission system by resolving the coupl