Size and Shape of Polymer Chain near a Flat Surface

来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:HBFQYD2009
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The size and the shape of non-reversal random-walking polymer chains near an impenetrable, non-interacting flat surface are investigated by means of Monte Carlo simulation on the simple cubic lattice. It was found that both size and shape are dependent on the normal-to-surface distance zo of the first segment of chain. We find that the size and shape of chains, characterized by mean square radius of gyration (S2) and mean asphericity parameter (A) respectively, show similar dependence on distance z0. Both (S2) and (A) reach the maximum at Z0 = 0, then decrease with the increase of Z0 and soon reach the minimum values, afterwards they go up continuously and approach to the limit values of free chain. The similar dependence of (S2) and (A) on Z0 can be explained by a positive correlation between A and S2. However, the dependence of the correlation coefficient CA,S2 on Z0 is very complicated and deserves further study. The overall density probability of segments is also investigated. Results show that segme The size and the shape of non-reversal random-walking polymer chains near an impenetrable, non-interacting flat surface are investigated by means of Monte Carlo simulation on the simple cubic lattice. It was found that both size and shape are dependent on the normal -to-surface distance zo of the first segment of chain. We find that the size and shape of chains, characterized by mean square radius of gyration (S2) and mean asphericity parameter (A) respectively, show similar dependence on distance z0. Both (S2) and (A) reach the maximum at Z0 = 0, then decrease with the increase of Z0 and soon reach the minimum values, afterwards they go up continuously and approach to the limit values ​​of free chain. ) and (A) on Z0 can be explained by a positive correlation between A and S2. However, the dependence of the correlation coefficient CA, S2 on Z0 is very complicated and deserves further study. The overall density probability of segments is also investigated. Resu lts show that segme
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