Taking Suining 14 as experimental material, five phosphorus treatments were set up in the soil to study the accumulation and transport of phosphorus in different organs of soybean at different growth stages. The results showed that the accumulation of phosphorus in the leaves, stems and roots of soybean (S) at seedling stage (V3) increased significantly with the increase of soil P level, while that of 26.62 mg / kg The accumulation of P in soybean pod was much greater than that in other organs of soybean plant at the mature stage (R8), and phosphorus accumulation in the seed was more favorable under the phosphorus level of 16.68 mg / kg. At the stage of vegetative growth (V3 ~ R1), with the increase of soil phosphorus level, the accumulation and accumulation rate of phosphorus increased, but when the soil phosphorus level was 31.37mg / kg, the accumulation and accumulation rate of phosphorus were different (R1 ~ R5). The accumulative rate was 5.68mg / kg, and 45% P accumulated in this section. The reproductive growth stage (R5 ~ R8) Phosphorus accumulation at 5.68 mg / kg was extremely low, while about one-third of the other treatments accumulated phosphorus. Soybean pod from the vegetative organs of the transfer rate of phosphorus: leaf> stem> root> petiole; pod more than 30% of phosphorus from vegetative organs into the low-phosphorus transfer rate of 5.68mg / kg level of the highest, up to 59.65 %, With the increase of soil phosphorus level, the transfer rate fluctuated, ranging from 29.08% to 41.95%.