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在当前经济运行方式从计划经济转向市场经济中,人们通常认为:小企业“船小调头快”,有其适应市场经济的“天然属性”。其实,从某种意义上看,小船往往经不起大风大浪的冲击,在市场经济的汪洋大海中,很容易被大风浪冲垮。因此,小企业必须根据自身的特点,扬长避短,增强市场竞争能力,使其在市场经济的海洋中劈浪搏击、奋勇向前。 1 苦练内功是小企业适应市场经济的“必修课”。加强企业内部管理,建立一整套行之有效的管理体系,是企业本身增强竞争力的“强身剂”。不难想象,一个管理松散的企业怎能在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败。虽然加强企业管理对每个企业都是必需的,但小企业有其本身管理层次简、人员少等相对便于管理的优势,因此,小企业要充分 In the current economic mode of operation from the planned economy to the market economy, people generally believe that: small businesses, “small boat heading fast,” has its own adaptation to the market economy, “natural properties.” In fact, from a certain point of view, boats can not stand up to the impact of strong winds and waves. In the vast sea of ​​market economy, it is easy to be washed away by storms. Therefore, small businesses must take advantage of their own characteristics, make the best of their strengths and avoid weaknesses, and enhance their market competitiveness so that they can fight in the ocean of market economy and courageously move forward. 1 Hard work is a “required course” for small businesses to adapt to a market economy. Strengthening the internal management of enterprises and establishing a set of effective management systems are the “strengthening agents” for enterprises to enhance their competitiveness. It is not hard to imagine how a loosely-managed enterprise can stand undefeated in the fierce market competition. Although strengthening enterprise management is necessary for each enterprise, small enterprises have the advantage of being relatively easy to manage, such as simple management level and low personnel. Therefore, small enterprises should be adequate.
To elaborate soil moisture and grain size characteristics of 3 typical micro-areas in Minqin oasis-desert ecotone,samples were collected in runoff generation ar
现状 党中央、国务院非常重视加强区域合作、发展横向经济协作的工作,十四届五中全会指出:要建设“以上海为龙头的长江三角洲及沿江地区经济带”。上海则提出了“面向长江、
绿地抬起头,最先映入眼帘的是一片郁郁葱葱的绿,阳光倾泻而下,让森林披上了一层淡黄的光晕。森林边缘是一汪平镜似的湖泊,碧波荡漾,一群候鸟从芦苇 Green looked up, first