Effect of Azoxystrobin on Oxygen Consumption and cyt b Gene Expression of Colletotrichum capsici fro

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:LIUSHENGWU5
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Azoxystrobin acts as an inhibitor of electron transport by binding to the Qo center of cytochrome b (cyt b). Resistance to azoxystrobin was usually caused by the point mutation of cyt b gene or by the induction of alternative respiration. Oxygen consumption test for mycelia of Colletotrichum capsici showed that azoxystrobin inhibited mycelial respiration within 12 h; however, as time went on, the respiration of the mycelia recovered when the mycelia were treated with azoxystrobin and salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM, a known inhibitor of alternative respiration), and the oxygen consumption of the mycelia could not be inhibited. Meanwhile, cytochrome b (cyt b) gene expression increased with the recovery of mycelial respiration. The increased cyt b gene expression might play a role in the development of resistance to azoxystrobin in C. capsici. Azoxystrobin acts as an inhibitor of electron transport by binding to the Qo center of cytochrome b (cyt b). Resistance to azoxystrobin was usually caused by the point mutation of cyt b gene or by the induction of alternative respiration. Oxygen consumption test for mycelia of However, as time went on, the respiration of the mycelia recovered when the mycelia were treated with azoxystrobin and salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM, a known inhibitor of alternative respiration), and the oxygen consumption of the mycelia could not be inhibited. Meanwhile, cytochrome b (cyt b) gene expression increased with the recovery of mycelial respiration. The increased cyt b gene expression might play a role in the development of resistance to azoxystrobin in C. capsici.
摘要:长期以来幼儿园普遍注重智力的开发,强调卫生保健,却很少关注幼儿的心理健康。很多幼儿父母对幼儿物质生活、知识学习非常重视,却忽视幼儿的心理健康。当今社会,心理健康已然成为健康的一个重要组成部分,受到了各方的关注和重视,我们不应该仅仅关心幼儿的衣食住行,更应该时刻注意幼儿的心理发展,通过多种途径对幼儿进行心理健康教育,不断提高幼儿心理健康水平,促进幼儿健康快乐成长。  关键词:幼儿教育 心理健康
摘要:初中阶段是学生心理和生理急剧变化的重要时期。当代学生成长在一个改革开放、社会主义市场经济不断发展的变革时期,社会竞争的激烈、价值观的改变、人际关系的复杂、家庭结构的变化、文化知识的更新、升学的压力、就业的忧虑等诸多因素都会影响到学生的心理和精神。新时期的班主任要充分认识加强学生心理健康教育的重要性,运用科学的心理教育方法和手段,以积极认真的态度,加强对中学学生心理健康教育的指导。  关键词:
作为语文教师,我深知学养的重要性怎么强调都不为过。学养深厚者的教学犹如沃土中长出的花草乔木,各具情态却都生机勃勃;学养浅薄者的教学犹如贫瘠的土地长出的可怜低矮植被,哪怕使出了浑身解数,也还是单调乏味让人同情。  学是学习,学而有所得;养是长养,养而使之成。学养的重点正在于通过学习不断成长。教育即成长,成长即目的。我深知作为一个卑微的个体,与广大的天地相较,渺小如同沙海中的一粒;我深知作为一个短暂的
本文在材料力学课程双语教学调查问卷的基础上,结合我院的实际情况,分析了我院实施双语教学的现状及实施过程中存在的困难、问题并探讨了搞好双语教学的思路和想法。 Based
Viruses are very widespread in nature, and they cause severe diseases and yield losses in potato production. The transfer of the dsRNA-producing gene could conf