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2011年6月30日,京沪高铁开通,这条由北京南站发往上海虹桥、全长1 318 km的铁路轨道吸引着众多人的目光。时速高达300 km、全程最少用时5 h的京沪高铁将往返北京上海的时间缩短了一半。京沪高铁成为我国轨道交通快速发展的缩影。“十二五”期间,我国铁路建设将会继续加大推进力度,铁路投资将达到2.8万亿元,新线投产3万km。我国轨道交通的快速扩张为中央空调市场注入了强劲的发展动力。随着《“十二五”综合交通运输体系发展规划(征求意见稿)》公布以及全国各大中城市轨道交通规划出台,快速发展的轨道交通市场引起各方的关注。目前我国各地都在筹划高铁、地铁、城际轨道建设,北京、上海、广州、重庆、武汉、苏州、杭州、西安、成都等大中城市规划建设交通线路有50多条,线路里程约1 500 km,投资金 June 30, 2011, the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway opened, this from Beijing South Railway Station to Shanghai Hongqiao, a total length of 1 318 km of railway tracks attracted many people’s attention. The speed of Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail, which is up to 300 km / h and 5 h at least, will reduce the time required to fly to Beijing and Shanghai by half. Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail become the microcosm of the rapid development of China’s rail transit. During the 12th Five-Year Plan, the railway construction in our country will continue to step up its efforts to push forward with a total investment of 2.8 trillion yuan and a new line of 30,000 km. The rapid expansion of rail transit in China has injected a strong impetus into the development of the central air-conditioning market. With the promulgation of the “Twelfth Five-year Plan for the Development of Integrated Transportation System (draft for comments)” and the promulgation of the rail transit plan for major cities in China, the rapid development of the rail transit market has drawn the attention of all parties. At present, there are more than 50 planning and construction traffic lines in large and medium-sized cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chongqing, Wuhan, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Xi’an and Chengdu, with a total mileage of about 1 500 km, investment gold
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