讲求诚信 注重品质——访台汉塑料制品有限公司董事长张鸿哲先生

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最近,笔者专程拜访了在湖北颇有影响的来自台湾的年轻实业家张鸿哲先生。应笔者的请求,张先生在汉口他的寓所介绍了他回祖国内地投资办企业的经验体会。 张鸿哲1955年出生于台南,父亲是个医生。1977年,张鸿哲从台湾大学毕业,大学毕业当了2年兵,随后考入台湾联合报系,在《经济日报》当了一名财经记者。在报界干了半年多,张鸿哲又考进了台湾有名的台塑公司。 Recently, I paid a special visit to Mr. Zhang Hongzhe, a young entrepreneur from Taiwan influential in Hubei Province. At the request of the author, Mr. Zhang introduced his experience of investing in enterprises in the Mainland of China for his apartment in Hankou. Zhang Hongzhe was born in Tainan in 1955 and his father is a doctor. In 1977, Zhang Hongzhe graduated from Taiwan University, graduated from college for 2 years, then admitted to Taiwan’s joint newspaper system, in the “Economic Times” as a financial reporter. After more than six months in the press, Zhang Hongzhe was admitted to a Taiwan-based Formosa Plastics company.
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