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作为地市级新闻媒体的记者,由于报道范围的限制,常常会有人抱怨:长年守在一个小圈子里面,不仅容易形成报道的俗套,而且难以抓到像人民日报、经济日报、新华社等大媒体所刊载的具有重大影响的新闻题材,要想写出省级以上的获奖作品也不容易。 的确,地市级媒体无论在人力、物力及技术装备上,或是在报道面及报道深度、力度上,确实与大报大台不能相比,但这是否就意味着地市媒体记者就无法捕捉到在全国叫响的好新闻呢?回答当然是否定的。在历届中国新闻奖、范长江新闻奖等重要奖项的获奖名单上,我们不难发现,地市级媒体的新闻精品也占据了相当的比例,而这些获奖作品的一个共性就是:具有浓郁的乡土气息和鲜活的地方特色,同时又在国内外具有较大反响。笔者以为,这种“人无而我独有”的“土特产新闻”正是地市级媒体应该主攻的“重头戏”,这种新闻也是 As a reporter at the municipality-level news media, people often complain about the limits of the scope of their coverage: keeping a long time in a small circle is not only easy to form a stereotyped report, but also hard to catch people like the People’s Daily, Economic Daily, Xinhua News Agency, etc. It is not easy to write award-winning works at or above the provincial level for news topics that have a significant impact on the media. Indeed, the media at the prefectural level, indeed, can not be compared with the big newspapers in terms of manpower, material and technical equipment, or in terms of coverage and coverage. However, this means that the media in the cities and cities can not capture To the good news that’s ringing in the country? Of course the answer is no. In the winning lists of major awards such as China News Awards and Fan Changjiang News Awards, it is not hard to find that the quality of news media of prefectural-level media occupies a considerable proportion. The common features of these award-winning works are as follows: Breath and fresh local characteristics, but also have a greater response at home and abroad. The author believes that this “people and I am unique,” “native products news” is the city media should be the main “main event”, this news is
设备的功率利用率是否充分,是衡量机器设备设计是否合理的一项重要指标。目前国产的油压给进式岩芯钻机,液压系统的功率利用率是十分低的,特别是在给进过程 Whether the po
目的:通过对旁中线颅底骨性标志的测量、CT影像学和手术解剖学三个方面的研究,为鼻内镜下鼻咽—颅底手术提供解剖学依据。 方法: 1.骨性标志的研究 对20例40侧正常成人
目的:探讨双源CT双能量灌注诊断慢性肺栓塞的影像特征及临床应用价值。  方法:收集75例行双源CT双能检查的患者,基于轴位图像,并结合容积重建(Volume reconstruction,VR)、多平面
背景:肝细胞癌(Hepatocellular Carcinoma,HCC)是常见的恶性肿瘤,尤其在我国高发,其早期诊断及分子靶向治疗是主要的研究方向和热点。表观遗传学是一门研究基因表达的学科,最近的
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