1997年是水利部“人才开发年”。科技是第一生产力,发展科技离不开广大专业技术人才,现代化的水利建设,必须以现代化的科学技术为先导,以具有现代化的科技人才为支撑。我省水利系统现有职工44139人,其中专业技术干部11337人,占职工总数的25.6%,他们支撑起了陕西水利科技的大厦,职称改革无疑是巩固这支科技人才队伍的重要方略。 我省水利行业的职称改革共经历了三个阶段。第一阶段,即解放初到1977年,实行的是任命制,与行政干部的任命同时开始,任命受到严格的指标限制,并与工资挂钩。实行的范围包括
1997 is the Ministry of Water Resources “talent development year.” Science and technology are primary productive forces. Developing science and technology can not do without the vast majority of professional and technical personnel. Modern water conservancy construction must be guided by modern science and technology and supported by modern scientific and technological personnel. The province’s water conservancy system currently employs 44,139 people, including 11,337 professional and technical cadres, accounting for 25.6% of the total number of workers. They support the building of Shaanxi Water conservancy science and technology. The reform of the title is undoubtedly an important strategy for consolidating this contingent of scientific and technological personnel. The title reform of water conservancy in our province has experienced three stages altogether. The first phase, from the very first liberation to 1977, was the appointment system, which started at the same time as the appointment of administrative officers. The appointment was subject to strict targets and was linked to wages. The scope of implementation includes