
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zwsbjh
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Purpose To report the midterm endoth elial cell density measurements after posterior lamellar keratoplasty(Melles techniques).Design Cohort study.Methods Fifte en consecutive eyes of 15patients in whom a posterior lamellar keratoplasty procedure wa s performed for pseu-dophakic bullous keratopathy or Fuchsendothelial dystro-phy were evaluated.In 11corneas the donor tissue was inserted through a 9.0-mm sclerocorneal pocket incision(technique A );in four cases the donor was folded an d inserted through a 5.0-mm incision(technique B ).Specular microscopy was performed a t 6,12,24,and36months after surgery,to measure t he endothelial cell density.Results Mean postoperativ e endothelial cell density averaged 2,126cells /mm 2 (±548)at 6months,1,859cells /mm 2 (±477)at 12months,1,385cells /mm 2 (±451)at 24months,and 1,047cells /mm 2 (±425)at 36months.Conclusion In posterio r lamellar kerato-plasty,the donor corneal endothelium showed a decrease in cell density similar to that after conventional full-thickness penetrating kerato plasty. Purpose To report the midterm endothlial cell density measurements after posterior lamellar keratoplasty (Melles techniques). Design Cohort study. Methods Fifte en next eyes of 15patients in whom a posterior lamellar keratoplasty procedure wa performed for pseu-dophakic bullous keratopathy or Fuchsendothelial dystro- in four cases the donor was folded an d inserted through a 5.0-mm incision (technique B). The microscopic microscopy was performed at 6, 12, 24, and 36 months after surgery, to measure hemostatic cell density. Results Mean postoperativ e endothelial cell density averaged 2,126 cells / mm 2 (± 548) at 6 months, 1,859 cells / mm 2 1,385 cells / mm 2 (± 451) at 24months, and 1,047 cells / mm 2 (± 425) at 36months.Conclusion In posterio r lamellar kerato-plasty, the donor corneal endothelium showed a decrease in cell density similar to that after conven tional full-thickness penetrating kerato plasty.
今年暑假,某工业大学一名教师带领该校20名大学生自费到贵州山区支教助学,当了解到助学点贫困中学生王天仙独立撑起一个家的感人事迹后,20 This summer, a teacher from an
“Today my dream come true.I have always wanted to be a Grand Slam[大满贯]champion.”These are the words of Chinese tennis player Li Na after she became the fir
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一、干燥剂类型  干燥剂能除去潮湿物质中的水分,它的干燥原理大致分物理原理和化学原理两类。一类是通过物理方式将水分子吸附在自身的结构,它们内部通常为极细的毛孔网状结构,这些毛细孔能够吸收水分,并通过其物理吸引力将水分保留住。常见的物理干燥剂有硅胶(成分为mSiO2·nH2O)与分子筛(成分为活性氧化铝等)。另一类是吸收水分子产生新物质,如水合物或其他化合物。与水可以生成水合物的有硫酸、无水氯化钙、