印度尼西亚:印尼总统将签发一项总统令,延迟2年实施改造天然林和泥炭地的许可。有关部门已就此项延迟的要点取得共识。已经改造了的次生林将不包括在延迟之列,但总统令将保护原始林和恢复退化降等的森林。据报道,印尼将在今后3个月中与欧盟签署自愿伙伴协议(Voluntary PartnershipAgreement,VPA),如能实现,印尼将成为亚洲第一个达成协议,只向欧洲提供合法木材和木材产品的
Indonesia: President of Indonesia will issue a presidential decree to postpone a two-year permit to rebuild natural forests and peatlands. Relevant departments have reached consensus on the issue of this delay. Secondary forests that have been rehabilitated will not be included in the delay, but the Presidential Decree will protect pristine forests and restore degraded forests. It is reported that Indonesia will sign the Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) with the EU in the next three months. If realized, Indonesia will become the first one in Asia to reach agreement to provide only legal timber and timber products to Europe