不断创新 打造电视精品少儿栏目

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《七色花》栏目是宁波电视台专为少年儿童开设的栏目。从1989年开播已来,一直以其轻松活泼的节目风格、不断创新的节目形式吸引着宁波地区的少年儿童,完成其寓教于乐的节目宗旨。《七色花》也是地方台开办时间较长的自办节目,她一直保有少儿节目旺盛的生命力,考其原因是:找准定位、不断创新、扎根地方。功夫不负苦心人,该栏目自1992年以来荣获地市、省、国家级各种奖项四十余次(其中九次获全国金童奖)。本刊特邀《七色花》栏目的创作者撰文,以便于各台正在开办的少儿频道作为工作参考。 “Seven-color flower” column is specifically for children’s schools opened in Ningbo section. Since its launch in 1989, it has been attracting children and adolescents in Ningbo with its relaxed and lively program style and innovative programs to complete its entertaining program. “Seven-colored flower” is also a local TV station that runs for a long time. It has always maintained the vitality of children’s programs. The reasons for this are as follows: Finding the right place for innovation and rooting. Kung Fu paid up the painstaking efforts, the column since 1992 won the prefectural, provincial and national awards more than 40 times (of which nine won the National Golden Boy Award). The author invited “color flower” column creator author, in order to facilitate the various children’s channel is being set up as a work reference.