打造“清凉恒温”之旅 国货航试水冷链运输获客户首肯

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5月31日,随着17吨“娇贵”的造影剂搭乘国货航CA1079货机航班从浦东国际机场顺利起飞前往美国芝加哥,客户发来了“服务相当好”的感谢邮件,这标志着国货航冷链项目试水顺利“满月”。一个月12个班次共计200吨的成绩虽然不大,但作为未来航空运输的巨大潜在市场,冷链运输的突破为国货航营销、服务模式转型带来了新的契机。国货航的优质服务也获 May 31, with 17 tons of “delicate ” contrast agent on the Air China Cargo CA1079 freighter flights take off from Pudong International Airport to Chicago, the United States, the customer sent “service is very good ” thank you mail, this sign Air China Cargo cold chain test run smoothly “full moon ”. A total of 12 flights of 12 flights a month have achieved a total of 200 tons. However, as a huge potential market for air transport in the future, the breakthrough in cold chain transportation has brought new opportunities for the marketing and service mode transformation of Air China Cargo. Air China Cargo service also received
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