
来源 :中国药学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rowhwafo
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中医药学和西医药学是两个十分不同的科学体系,中医药学是在临床治疗经验的基础上发展起来的;西医药学是在解剖学、生理学的基础上发展起来的。中医的用药方法是根据中医理论用药的,是辩证论治,随证处方,着重于天然药物原材料本身的作用,以及多昧生药合用的综合作用;西医的用药方法是根据西医理论用药的,针对病因和症状用药,着重于纯的单一物质的效果。把中医药学和西医药学比较一下,可以看到两者的思想方法、诊断疾病的方法、对药剂的看法等方面,有许多十分不同的地方,存在着很大的不易逾越的鸿沟。因此,能否用现有的现代西医药学的研究方法研究中医药呢?对这一问题,虽然过去和现在都有一些争论,但是总的看来,答案是肯定的。尤其是,近年来由于生物科学的发展,用现代生物科学的技术和方法研究中医药,对于填补中、西医药学之间的鸿沟,实现中、西医药学结合,虽然还有很长的路要走,但还是很有希望的。日本历来对中药的研究都很重视,尤其近二十年来,对中药开展了大量的研究工作,取得了丰硕的成果。他们的研究工作主要是围绕一个主题,即用现代科学的技术和方法对中药进行研究,目的是赋与中药 Traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine are two very different scientific systems. Traditional Chinese medicine is developed on the basis of clinical treatment experience. Western medicine is developed on the basis of anatomy and physiology. The method of Chinese medicine is based on traditional Chinese medicine theory, is a dialectical treatment, with the permit prescription, focusing on the role of natural medicine raw materials itself, and the comprehensive role of multi-drug drug combination; Western medicine is based on western medicine theory, for Causes and symptoms of medication, focusing on the effect of a pure single substance. Comparing traditional Chinese medicine with Western medicine, you can see the two ways of thinking, the methods of diagnosing diseases, and the views on medicines. There are many very different places, and there is a great gap that cannot easily be surpassed. Therefore, whether or not Chinese medicine can be studied using the existing research methods of modern Western medicine? Although there are some disputes between the past and the present, the answer is affirmative. In particular, in recent years, due to the development of the biological sciences, the use of modern biological science techniques and methods for the study of traditional Chinese medicine has been a long way to go in order to bridge the gap between Chinese and Western medicine and realize the integration of Chinese and Western medicine. , but still very promising. Japan has always attached great importance to the study of traditional Chinese medicine, especially in the past two decades, has carried out a lot of research work on traditional Chinese medicine and has achieved fruitful results. Their research is mainly focused on a topic, namely the use of modern scientific techniques and methods for the study of Chinese medicine, with the aim of assigning Chinese medicine
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