Some effective ways to learn a new language学习一门新语言的有效方法

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  The idea of learning a language, especially when youre learning it from the beginning, seems anything but fast. Youll have to learn a new grammar, memorize vocabularies, practice speaking and so on. 1 . However, you can still learn a new language fast if you follow the right strategy.
  When faced with the idea of learning a new language, most of us feel at a loss. 2 . Under such circumstances, setting goals can narrow your focus, so you can stop worrying about the details and get down to business. Research shows that people who set the right kind of goals are more likely to achieve success.
  We tend to learn best when were enjoying ourselves, so dont forget to make language learning fun. Playing games is a great way to have fun while learning. Games take advantage of our natural competitiveness and can help us practice language skills even when we feel tired. 3 .
  Some of the best learning happens in real?life situations, particularly when you have to use a foreign language. 4 . This can create opportunities to be surrounded by people who speak the language you want to learn. Even without traveling abroad, you can put yourself in real?life situations that give you loads of language practice.
   5 . Its important to learn about the culture and history associated with these words. Researchers have found that children learn to read in a second language better when they understand the culture behind the pieces they read. This may help you enormously and can even prevent you from making embarrassing offensive mistakes.
  Follow these steps, and youll be on your way to mastering that new language faster than you ever imagined!
  Complete the text with the sentences given below.
  A. There are so many words to learn
  B. Nothing can replace the effort it requires
  C. Take some time to study the culture of the language
  D. Real?life social events are what make language learning fun
  E. You can also focus your learning on things you find interesting
  F. The easiest way to gain real?life practice is to travel or study abroad
  G. Understanding a language is more than understanding words on a page
  Ⅰ. Theme?centered chunks
  anything but 决不;根本不
  when faced with 当面临……时
  at a loss 不知所措
  get down to business 开始认真工作
  tend to 趋向于;常常
  take advantage of 利用
  be surrounded by 被……包围
  give you loads of language practice 给你大量的语言练习
  be associated with 与……有关
  Ⅱ. Theme?centered writing
  1. 表示理解;
  2. 你的建议。
  1. 词数为80左右;
  2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
  Dear Chris,
  Yours sincerely,
  Li Hua
【摘 要】目的:观察玻璃酸钠注射液联合免疫三氧治疗创伤性滑膜炎动物模型的疗效。方法:分别用空气、免疫三氧、玻璃酸钠注射液、免疫三氧+玻璃酸钠注射液关节腔灌注治疗创伤性滑膜炎动物模型, 7周后对膝关节滑膜进行免疫组化观察和病理学评分,检测核因子-κB、肿瘤坏死因子-α、基质金属蛋白酶-3、基质金属蛋白酶-9、一氧化氮和诱导型一氧化氮合酶的表达。结果:免疫三氧组、玻璃酸钠组、免疫三氧+玻璃酸钠组的病理
【摘 要】目的:探讨B、T淋巴细胞衰减因子(BTLA)和调节性T细胞(Treg)在风湿病患者血小板病变中的作用机制。方法:选取294例风湿病患者,包括类风湿关节炎116例、强直性脊柱炎60例、干燥综合征56例、骨关节炎62例,采用流式细胞术检测患者外周血BTLA、Treg表达,采用生化仪检测风湿病患者血小板参数及实验室指标,观察风湿病患者血小板参数变化及与BTLA、Treg等实验室指标的关系。结果
2011年8月,英国药品和健康产品管理局(MHRA)发布中药雷公藤的严重副作用风险的信息。建议消费者不要使用未批准的含有中药成分雷公藤的产品,主要是因为雷公藤不但有生殖毒性,还对肝、肾、免疫系统、血液以及心脏等产生严重副作用。  MHRA通过黄卡自发报告系统收到一例报告,显示其潜在的严重副作用可能与使用雷公藤有关。该产品可以通过互联网获得,也可以在一些英国的中药店买到,主要作为天然中药产品用于治疗
参考译文  1.猫  ·猫和人类在约一万年前开始建立联系。  ·猫通过睡眠来保存能量,平均一天要睡上13到14个小时。  ·英语中,一群猫被称为“clowder”。公猫被称为“tom(雄猫)”。母猫被称为“molly”或“queen”,而幼猫则被称为“kitten”。  ·猫有时会很鬼祟。当它们走路时,后爪能刚好落在前爪之前落下的地方。这能将噪音降至最低,并减少可见足迹。  ·猫有着很强的夜视能力
参考译文  亚历山大·格拉汉姆·贝尔也许不懂得白拍照是什么,但是在19世纪70年代,他发明的电话引发了通讯革命。作为一名演说学教授的儿子,他对声音和演说十分着迷。在父亲的鼓舞下,他甚至与哥哥梅尔维尔一同创造了一台改变人类交流方式的交谈机。  1.贝尔亲子给自己起了一个中间名  亚历山大-格拉汉姆-贝尔于1847年出生在苏格兰的爱丁堡,是家中的老二。临近11岁生日时,他决定成为“亚历山大·格拉汉姆·
A lonely sail is flashing white  Amidst the blue mist of the sea...  What does it seek in foreign lands?  What did it leave behind at home?  Waves heave, wind whistles,  The mast, it bends and creaks.
【摘 要】目的:研究跳骨片不同极性部位对软骨细胞活性的影响。方法:用跳骨片的水提物、醇提物、多糖以及醇提物的石油醚、氯仿、乙酸乙酯、正丁醇萃取物及残留的水相共8个组分干预体外培养的软骨细胞,采用MTT法检测不同极性部位作用48 h后软骨细胞的活性。 结果:在一定剂量范围内,跳骨片的水提物、多糖,醇提物的乙酸乙酯萃取部位和水相干预组软骨细胞的活性增强,醇提物以及醇提物的石油醚、氯仿和正丁醇萃取部位干
4月,在葡萄牙的阿罗卡,世界最长的人行悬索桥“516 Arouca”向民众开放。据报道,这座桥全长516米,位于河流上方175米,桥面由金属网格连接而成,游客能直接透过桥面看到峡谷,并且可以在这里拥有一段既刺激又独特的经历。  Are you brave enough to walk on the worlds longest pedestrian suspension bridge? Being