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1906年3月19日,沙皇尼古拉二世签署御令,将潜艇从海军中分离出来组成独立舰队,这一天便成为了今天俄海军潜艇舰队的节日。今年3月19日,俄海军潜艇部队迎来建军100周年纪念日,俄各大军港举行隆重庆典,庆祝这一辉煌时刻。俄国防部在充分肯定潜艇部队在保卫国家安全方面发挥着重要作用的同时,亦勾画出其未来发展蓝图。一百年,对于苏/俄现代海军中的新兴分支--潜艇,已经是一个足以自豪和荣耀的历史了。曾几何时,一代红鲨驰骋七大洋,西方列强闻之色变、东方大国倾力效仿。如今,巨人逝去,群鲨雄风不再,怎不令人感慨世事无常。百年一叹、沧海一粟,遂赋此文,权做“红鲨祭”。1906年3月19日,沙皇尼古拉二世签署御令,将潜艇从海军中分离出来组成独立舰队,这一天便成为了今天俄海军潜艇舰队的节日。今年3月19日,俄海军潜艇部队迎来建军100周年纪念日,俄各大军港举行隆重庆典,庆祝这一辉煌时刻。俄国防部在充分肯定潜艇部队在保卫国家安全方面发挥着重要作用的同时,亦勾画出其未来发展蓝图。一百年,对于苏/俄现代海军中的新兴分支--潜艇,已经是一个足以自豪和荣耀的历史了。曾几何时,一代红鲨驰骋七大洋,西方列强闻之色变、东方大国倾力效仿。如今,巨人逝去,群鲨雄风不再,怎不令人感慨世事无常。百年一叹、沧海一粟,遂赋此文,权做“红鲨祭”。1906年3月19日,沙皇尼古拉二世签署御令,将潜艇从海军中分离出来组成独立舰队,这一天便成为了今天俄海军潜艇舰队的节日。年3月19日,俄海军潜艇部队迎来建军100周年纪念日,俄各大军港举行隆重庆典,庆祝这一辉煌时刻。俄国防部在充分肯定潜艇部队在保卫国家安全方面发挥着重要作用的同时,亦勾画出其未来发展蓝图。一百年,对于苏/俄现代海军中的新兴分支--潜艇,已经是一个足以自豪和荣耀的历史了。曾几何时,一代红鲨驰骋七大洋,西方列强闻之色变、东方大国倾力效仿。如今,巨人逝去,群鲨雄风不再,怎不令人感慨世事无常。百年一叹、沧海一粟,遂赋此文,权做“红鲨祭” March 19, 1906, Tsar Nicholas II signed the order, the submarine separated from the Navy to form an independent fleet, that day has become a Russian naval submarine fleet festival. March 19 this year, the Russian navy submarine force ushered in the 100th anniversary of the founding of the army, Russia held a grand ceremony of the naval forces to celebrate this brilliant moment. The Russian Defense Ministry fully affirmed that submarine units play an important role in safeguarding national security and at the same time outline the blueprint for their future development. For a hundred years, it is already a proud and honorable history for the emerging branch of the Soviet-Russian modern navy, the submarine. Once upon a time, a generation of red sharks gallop seven oceans, the Western powers heard the color change, the Eastern powers tried their best to follow suit. Today, the Giants have died, the group shark glory no longer, how can we feel unnatural. One hundred years a sigh, a drop of the sea, then Fu text, right to do “red shark offering ”. March 19, 1906, Tsar Nicholas II signed the order, the submarine separated from the Navy to form an independent fleet, that day has become a Russian naval submarine fleet festival. March 19 this year, the Russian navy submarine force ushered in the 100th anniversary of the founding of the army, Russia held a grand ceremony of the naval forces to celebrate this brilliant moment. The Russian Defense Ministry fully affirmed that submarine units play an important role in safeguarding national security and at the same time outline the blueprint for their future development. For a hundred years, it is already a proud and honorable history for the emerging branch of the Soviet-Russian modern navy, the submarine. Once upon a time, a generation of red sharks gallop seven oceans, the Western powers heard the color change, the Eastern powers tried their best to follow suit. Today, the Giants have died, the group shark glory no longer, how can we feel unnatural. One hundred years a sigh, a drop of the sea, then Fu text, right to do “red shark offering ”. March 19, 1906, Tsar Nicholas II signed the order, the submarine separated from the Navy to form an independent fleet, that day has become a Russian naval submarine fleet festival. On March 19, the Russian naval submarine force ushered in the 100th anniversary of the founding of the army, and all the major naval forces of Russia held a grand celebration to celebrate this brilliant moment. The Russian Defense Ministry fully affirmed that submarine units play an important role in safeguarding national security and at the same time outline the blueprint for their future development. For a hundred years, it is already a proud and honorable history for the emerging branch of the Soviet-Russian modern navy, the submarine. Once upon a time, a generation of red sharks gallop seven oceans, the Western powers heard the color change, the Eastern powers tried their best to follow suit. Today, the Giants have died, the group shark glory no longer, how can we feel unnatural. One hundred years a sigh, a drop in the sea, then Fu text, right to do “red shark offering”
小孩儿是老天爷(或上帝)给我们的礼物,当你不珍惜的时候,老天爷(或上帝)就把这份甜蜜的礼物收回了。  对于教育孩子,除了言传身教和陪伴,没有任何捷径可循。  最近去拜访了朋友,当我们都坐在朋友家的后院吃东西聊天时,他们的大女儿回家了。  大女儿今年18岁,已经不住在家里了。她跟着她的同居男友一起走了进来,两个人手上都各拿着一支烟,穿着很新潮,露着小肚子,后面露出腰的部分还有一个刺青。那个男孩子的手
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