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随着巴西世界杯的开幕,狂欢般的运动热情像毛细血管一样迅速蔓延到世界每一个角落。在中国,庞大的球迷市场也早早被各行各业的商家盯上,他们无孔不入地将世界杯植入到各种产品和营销中。一些银行推出了世界杯理财产品,低迷的车市趁着世界杯这根救命稻草做起了营销——穿球衣迎客,而北京联通更是将世界杯元素渗透到具体业务中,推出世界杯流量包??有人说,世界杯更像是巴西的舞台、中国的市场。据悉,在本届世界杯举办前夕,浙江的一家纺织企业就接下80万米巴西国旗的单子,并于世界杯举行前期漂洋过海,顺利到达巴西。如今,巴西的街头巷尾到处都飘扬着该企业所生产的国旗。 With the opening of the World Cup in Brazil, carnival enthusiasm for the movement like capillaries quickly spread to every corner of the world. In China, the huge fan market is also targeted by businesses from all walks of life as early as possible, they are all kinds of products and marketing the World Cup implanted. Some banks launched the World Cup financial products, sluggish car market taking advantage of this life-saving World Cup started marketing - wearing jerseys welcoming, and Beijing Unicom is the element of the World Cup infiltrated to the specific business, the introduction of the World Cup flow package ?? Someone Said that the World Cup is more like Brazil’s stage, the Chinese market. It is learned that on the eve of the World Cup held, a textile company in Zhejiang took over 800,000 meters of Brazilian flag list and flew over the sea in the pre-World Cup, reaching Brazil smoothly. Nowadays, the flag of the company is flying all over the streets of Brazil.
The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), held from November 8 to 14, has drawn worldwide attention for a host of reasons: The CPC is the world’s largest political party, boast
在棉花收储政策执行几年之后,中国棉纺行业出现四个方面的变化:即政策之变、市场之变、企业之变和产品之变。   政策之变。回顾3年的收储政策不难得出一个结论:中国在棉花方面
Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping made his debut as the new leader of the ruling Communist Party of China(CPC) on November 15 with a strong mandate to continue the country’s economic miracle, improve