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在九章算術方田章的劉徽注中,我們看到他的周率157:50,和另外一個更精密的周率3927:1250,注中說明第一個周率是從計算圓內接正192邊形的面積得來的,第二個周率是用計算圓內接正5072邊形的面積來證實的,文氣連貫,不像是兩個人的手筆,在他敍述第一個周率的後面,注者援引“晉武庫中漢朝王莽(所)作銅斛”的銘文,而劉徽注九章算術又明明有魏景元四年的自序,在時間上似乎有些矛盾。又,本節李淳風等注釋的最後幾句話是:“今者修撰,(?)摭諸家,考其是非,沖之為密,故顯之於徽術之下,冀學者之所裁焉,”清代李潢(?—1811)撰九章算術細草圖說,因為懷疑從“晉武庫”以後一段注文是祖沖之的話,就是李淳風等所謂“顯之於徽術之下”的,這樣把這第二個周率的創設歸功於二百年後的祖沖之了,事實上,九章算術,方田,少廣,商功,三章中有關圓面積的問題,原有的答案都依照“徑一週三”計算,劉徽注用他的第一個周率157:50來修正,李淳風等注釋又補用祖沖之的約率,π=22/7的演算法,李淳風等以為π=22/7比π=157/50尤為精密,所謂“顯之於徽術之下”的是在“徽術”之後添上“密 In the 9-chapter Liu Fang’s Liu Hui’s note, we see his weekly rate of 157:50, and another, more precise, weekly rate of 3927: 1250. The note states that the first cycle rate is calculated from the calculation circle. For the area of ​​the edge shape, the second cycle rate is confirmed by the area of ​​the calculation circle in the shape of the 5072 polygon. The coherence of the text is not like the handwriting of two people. At the back of the note, the notemakers quoted the inscriptions of the Han Dynasty dynasty of the Han dynasty in the Jinwuku. The arithmetic of Liu Hui’s note on the 9th chapter clearly showed Wei Jingyuan’s four years of preface. It seems that there is some contradiction in terms of time. In addition, the last few words of the commentary of Li Zhifeng in this section are: “Everyone comprehends this issue, (?) criticizes the family, examines its right and wrong, and rushes it to be dense. Therefore, it is revealed under the emblem technique. “Lian Huang (? -1811) in the Qing Dynasty wrote a nine-character sketchbook, saying that because the suspicion from the ”Jinwuku“ was that of Zu Chongzhi, it was Li Zhifeng and other so-called ”under the emblem technique“. This second cycle of creation was attributed to Zu Chongzhi after two hundred years. In fact, nine chapters of arithmetic, Fang Tian, ​​Shao Guang, Shang Gong, and the problems related to the circle area in the three chapters, the original answer. All calculations are based on the ”three-by-three" calculations. Liu Hui’s note was revised with his first weekly rate of 157:50. Li Yufeng and other notes supplemented Zu Chongzhi’s rate, π = 22/7’s algorithm, Li Yufeng, etc. It is considered that π=22/7 is more precise than π=157/50. The so-called “under the emblem” is to add “darkness” after “intellectual surgery”.
卡梅隆是享誉全球的著名导演,人称“电影狂人”。他执导的《泰坦尼克号》和《阿凡达》两部电影,成就了好莱坞电影的票房传奇。然而,即使是这样的经典影片,里面仍然有“穿帮”境头。  1997年,著名天文学家泰森博士在看完《泰坦尼克号》之后,特意给他去信,指出在影片结尾,男女主角生离死别之时,女主角Rose抬起泪眼,仰望星空,看到的背景是错的。当时,为了体现主人公悲凉的心境,天空中展示的是一片阴云包裹之下的
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一、表示动作,行为的情态。例: ①生男女,必货视之。(《童区寄传》) ②吾得兄事之。(《鸿门宴》) 例①中的“货”,古代指金玉布帛之总称,名词,用作“视”的状语,表示将宾语