I Have to Move to Your House

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Mr Baker lost his work last September.Once he gave some food to a poor woman. Theboss of the restaurant (饭馆老板) found it andbecame angry: the man often sold the leftovers(剩饭菜)to some poor workers. It’s difficult for him to find work in thesmall country though he’s an able cook. The war(战争) makes all stop. Children can’t go toschool, most shops are closed,even some farmers Mr Baker lost his work last September.Once he gave some food to a poor woman. Theboss of the restaurant found it andbecame angry: the man often sold the leftovers to some poor workers. It’s difficult for Him to find work in the small country but he’s an able cook. The war makes all stop. Children cant go toschool, most shops are closed,even some farmers
例1 若某种铁的氧化物20克,被一氧化碳完全还原后可得到纯铁14克。试通过计算推测此氧化物的化学式。 解法1:设氧化物的化学式为Fe_aO_b。 由(aFe)/(Fe_aO_b)=14克/20克,有(
一、重点知识与主要功能项目 1. Grammar A. The object clause Miss Gao asked if they liked the game. Mr Smith asked his son whether he wanted a newbag. B. The pas
趣味阅读理解(初三适用) Ron was tall and strong and liked all kindsof sports. He ran fast and jumped high. He wasgood at playing football and basketball. He oft
长期冷清的公司会议室,因《当代工人》记者地到来而热闹起来。重聚让职工们百感交加,也让吴博军等工会干部回想起热腾腾的往日时光。陈常树和刘建波是最能讲的两位,也是这群人困境的代表。他们即将退出职业舞台,老有所养、病有所医,成了他们迫切而又唯一的要求。  公司与我,都舍不得  1985年,为了响应市政府“大集体单位优先解决待业青年就业问题”的号召,多种经营公司面向社会招聘了800多名城市户口的青年。“像