PS Price Stays High

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Rapid growth of outputWith the considerable growth of the nationaleconomy in recent years,the demand forpolystyrene (PS) downstream products hasincreased drastically and the consumptionof PS has been greatly promoted.The aver-age annual growth of the PS output in Chinawas 17.1% from 2003 to 2008, the averageannual growth of the PS apparent consump-tion was 8.8%,the self-sufficiency rate in-creased constantly and market competitionwas fierce.China’s PS capacity was 5.66million t/a in 2008, output was only 4.752 Rapid growth of outputWith the considerable growth of the nationaleconomy in recent years, the demand for polystyrene (PS) downstream products hasincreased drastically and the consumptionof PS has been greatly promoted.The aver-age annual growth of the PS output in Chinawas 17.1% from 2003 to 2008, the averageannual growth of the PS apparent consump-tion was 8.8%, the self-sufficiency rate in-creased ever and market competitionwas fierce. China’s PS capacity was 5.66million t / a in 2008, output was only 4.752
第一章 总 则 第一条 为了规范公证行为,发挥公证的证明、服务、沟通、监督作用,预防和减少纠纷,维护国家利益和公民、法人及其他组织的合法权益,根据国家有关法律、法规的
【正】 Since the inorganic fluoride chemicals indus-try sprang up in the 1930’s,its product vari-ety has been on the increase,and the fields ofapplications kee
第一条(目的和依据)为了加强本市黄浦江防汛墙的保护管理,保障防汛安全,根据《中华人民共和国防汛条例》和《上海市实施〈中华人民共和国水法〉办 Article 1 (Purpose and
Shanxi Antai Group Co.,Ltd.(SH:600408)said on April 19thits board has approved a private share placement plan to issueup to 200 million RMB-denominated A share
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On April 3rd,Dow Coming Corporation an-nounced that Dow Coming(Zhangjiagang)Co.,Ltd.has signed an agreement for a syndi-cated loan in Shanghai.Bank of China an