加工锻凿石磨所形成的粉尘、内含二氧化矽(SiO_2)95%以上。故长期从事石磨加工的工人若不加防护,较多引起矽肺。近年来就我们遇到的9例报告如下: 临床资料(见附表) 本组9例,均为男性,年龄最大者65岁,最小者38岁,从事石磨工最长者35年,最短者18年,除3例轻度咳嗽,气喘和一例咳嗽气急较重外,其余平时均无明显症状,多因体检或患其他疾病检查时偶然发现。肺功能测定有不同程度减低,化验室各项检查无阳性发现。
Forging dust formed by grinding stone, containing more than 95% of silicon dioxide (SiO2). Therefore, long-term workers in the stone processing without protection, more caused by silicosis. In recent years, we encountered nine cases are as follows: Clinical data (see table) This group of 9 patients, both men, the oldest 65 years old, the youngest 38 years old, engaged in stone mills the longest 35 years, the shortest In 18 years, with the exception of 3 cases of mild cough, asthma and cough and more severe cases, the rest usually had no obvious symptoms, mostly due to physical examination or other diseases when the accidental detection. Pulmonary function tests have been reduced to varying degrees, laboratory tests found no positive.