上个世纪初,话剧这种艺术舶来品来到中国。由于其用白话对白、演出形式灵活、内容雅俗共赏等特点, 从诞生之日起便赢得了民众的喜爱。然而随着社会的发展,特别是最近十来年经济的繁荣,各种艺术样式和娱乐方式的不断涌现,以影视为代表的大众娱乐方式不断蚕食着话剧的原有市场,与此同时,大量国外优秀戏剧作品进入中国,与中国本土话剧进行着激烈的竞争,进一步挤压着中国话剧的生存空间,中国话剧步履维艰,面临着艺术创新和商业冲击的双重困境。
At the beginning of last century, the art of drama came to China. Because of its use of vernacular dialogue, the form of flexible performance, content and other characteristics of both popular and popular taste, from the date of birth won the public’s favorite. However, with the development of society, especially the economic prosperity in the recent ten years and the continuous emergence of various art styles and entertainment modes, mass entertainment, represented by film and television, is constantly eroded by the original market of drama. At the same time, a large number of foreign countries Outstanding Chinese dramas have entered China and fiercely compete with Chinese local dramas, further squeezing the living space of Chinese dramas. Chinese dramas struggle hard and face the double dilemma of artistic innovation and commercial impact.