Early Analogue Modeling Experiments and Related Studies to Today's Problems of Geo-electromagne

来源 :Journal of Earth Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jma_sd
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As I learned it from extensive geo-electromagnetic analogue modeling experiments, some specific nonconventional interpretation parameters, in certain conditions, give more detailed information about the geometry of subsurface resistivity inhomogeneities than the routinely used parameters. In this article, I show several examples, and I present how these early results influenced our later research. An enhanced geometric sensitivity may be due to special array geometry (as we call it “null array”), or it may be due to a narrow and very special frequency range (i.e., the so-called “keyhole” range). Nonconventional but physically based interpretation parameters (like the Poynting vector) or higher order invariants of resistivity or impedance tensors may also give useful additional information about the shape of subsurface bodies. One should be very careful in their application because a large part of these nontraditional approaches are strongly constrained by measuring errors and geological noise. As I learned it from extensive geo-electromagnetic analogue modeling experiments, some specific nonconventional interpretation parameters, in certain conditions, give more detailed information about the geometry of subsurface resistivity inhomogeneities than the routinely used parameters. In this article, I show several examples, and I present how early results require our later research. An enhanced geometric sensitivity may be due to special array geometry (as we call it “null array”), or it may be due to a narrow and very special frequency range , the so-called “keyhole” range). Nonconventional but physically based interpretation parameters (like the Poynting vector) or higher order invariants of resistivity or impedance tensors may also give useful additional information about the shape of subsurface bodies. One should be very careful in their application because a large part of these nontraditional approaches are strongly constrained by measuring errors and geolo gical noise.
乳链菌肽(Nisin)是乳酸乳球菌或者乳酸链球菌产生的一种初级代谢产物,对大部分革兰氏阳性菌及其芽孢的生长和繁殖有抑制作用。由于Nisin具有绿色、高效、安全等优点,已被广泛应用于乳制品、肉制品、饮料等食品领域的防腐保鲜,具有广阔的商业发展前景。本文以嗜热链球菌6032(Streptococcus Thermophilus 6032)为发酵菌株,利用补料分批发酵技术解除底物对菌体细胞的生长和Nis
  Milk fever (MF), also known as clinical hypocalcemia, is a common calcium metabolism disorder in perinatal cows that is characterized by hypocalcemia, muscl