
来源 :机械工艺师 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lixuechao0926
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本文介绍了砂带叶轮在不锈钢长管珩磨加工中的应用和适用于珩磨加工的砂带叶轮的设计,并对砂带叶轮珩磨加工的工艺参数和主要特点进行了分析。 This paper introduces the application of belt impeller in stainless steel long tube honing and the design of belt impeller suitable for honing, and analyzes the process parameters and main characteristics of belt honing.
A model LEPS potential has been applied to describe the interac-tion of carbon monoxide with the Ni(100)crystal face.The binding energiescomputed from the pote
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自 2 0 0 4年 1月 1日起 ,停止执行对部分进口农药原料及中间体进口环节增值税先征后返的政策。经国务院批准 ,近日财政部、海关总署、国务税务总局就有关农药的税收政策联合
AIM: To identify whether the polymorphisms of the N-acetyltransferase (NAT) genes are susceptible to primary liver cancer (PLC) in Luoyang, a PLC low-incidence
Using a newly generated monocional antibody (2E6) against human B7-H3,we explored the expression of themolecule on dendritic cells derived from monocytes (Mo-D
在高速公路沿线布点进行材料大气暴露试验,同时进行大气污染分析,评定了公路沿线大气环境的腐蚀性,并比较了几种金属在腐蚀严重地段的耐蚀性 Atmospheric exposure experiments