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本文分析总结了我院413例直肠癌根治手术配合的资料,认为要提高手术的成功率,除了根据病情采取必要的手术方式外,尚需注意体位及无菌操作问题。体位采取头低臀高截石位,大腿外展120°,骶部垫以软皮枕为最理想。为了保证无菌,除了在术前插好留置导尿管外,尚需控制大便流溢以及将腹部组与会阴组的器械、敷料严格分开,此外在手术配合过程中,尚需往意保护外露肠管,及时选送深部操作器械(我院采取支气管 This article analyzes and summarizes the data of 413 cases of rectal cancer surgery in our hospital. We believe that to increase the success rate of surgery, in addition to taking the necessary surgical methods according to the condition, we still need to pay attention to posture and aseptic operation. The position was taken with a low head and high buttstone position, with a 120-degree outreach of the thigh, and a soft-skin pillow was the most ideal for the ankle pad. In order to ensure sterility, besides inserting the indwelling catheter before the operation, it is necessary to control the flow of stool and strictly separate the apparatus and dressing of the abdominal group from the perineum group. In addition, in the course of surgical cooperation, it is necessary to protect the exposed intestine. , choose to send deep operation equipment in time (our hospital takes a bronchus
《美国医学会杂志》第246卷第1期(1981年)报道:对恶性息肉分布的一项研究表明,结肠左侧的息肉癌变的可能性较大。休斯敦的贝勒大学医学院外科临床副教授阿佩尔(Michael F Ap
巨大脐尿管囊肿十分罕见。Toft曾收集腹部手术四万例,脐尿管囊肿仅六例,且都较小(乒乓球至网球大小)。我们最近遇到一例巨大的脐尿管囊肿,报道如下。 患者男性,61岁,因下腹
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在自然界,如果说“优胜劣汰,适者生存”是存活下去的第一法则,那么学会和懂得感恩则是自我救赎的法宝。 In nature, if we say that “survival of the fittest, survival o