
来源 :新课程(小学) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chinadyh
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新课程改革要求班主任树立以人为本的理念,把学生的全面发展当作教育的出发点和归宿,学生的管理要人本化。怎样为学生营造良好的氛围呢?我做了如下尝试。一、建立良好的师生关系我改善以往传统的师生关系,建立平等、和谐、民主、宽松的师生关系。在班级里,我善待每一位学生,主动地去关心、理解、帮助他们,树立无“差生”观念。学生感受到老师的亲切便“信其道”。在我所在班级有一个小男孩,说起话来奶声奶气。同学都嘲笑他,不 The new curriculum reform requires that the class teacher establish a people-oriented concept, take the all-round development of students as the starting point and end-result of education and the management of students should be people-oriented. How to create a good atmosphere for students? I made the following attempt. First, to establish a good relationship between teachers and students I improved the traditional relationship between teachers and students, and established an equal, harmonious, democratic and relaxed relationship between teachers and students. In the class, I treat every student kindly, take the initiative to care about, understand, help them, establish Students feel the kindness of the teacher “believe it ”. There was a little boy in my class, talking to milk and milk. Students laugh at him, no
在美国好莱坞1947年拍摄的音乐影片《卡耐基音乐厅》(Carnegie Hall,又译《乐府春秋》)中,有位热情的抒情性次女高音演唱的“城墙外有家小酒店”(比才《卡门》),她那完美的声