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近年来,在犯罪调查与控制方面,国际合作不断加强。但真正的比较性研究却遇到很多困难,其原因是多方面的,如刑事法规、犯罪报案程序、文化特点等不同。然而,就世界范围来说,这种研究大部分被犯罪学者们认为很有价值。到现在为止,东欧社会主义国家主要的研究工作侧重于对犯罪的总趋势和犯罪预防对策作跨国的分析;而对于这些国家的集团犯罪却没有任何系统的研究。 In recent years, with regard to crime investigation and control, international cooperation has been continuously strengthened. However, the real comparative study has encountered many difficulties for many reasons, such as different criminal laws and regulations, criminal reporting procedures and cultural characteristics. However, most of this research is considered valuable by criminologists worldwide. Up until now, the main research work of socialist countries in Eastern Europe has focused on the transnational analysis of the general trend of crime and crime prevention measures; however, there has not been any systematic study of the group crimes in these countries.
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苏联犯罪学根据马克思列宁主义经典作家著作中的原理,研究制定出了自己的基本观点。当然,马克思、恩格斯、列宁都没有专门研究犯罪问题,但是,他们关于人类社会发展 Based o
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“爸爸,我们学校成立了一个乐队,我想去参加,学校还说乐器要自己带。”父亲盯了儿子半天,递过一根竹子:“孩子,咱家穷,你 ”Dad, we set up a band in the school, I want
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