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那店小二那里敢过来,连那正要买肉的主顾也不敢拢来。郑屠道:“着人与提辖拿了,送将府里去?”鲁达道:“再要十斤寸金软骨,也要细细地剁做臊子,不要见些肉在上面。”郑屠笑道:“却不是特地来消遣我?”鲁达听得,跳起身来,拿着那两包臊子在手,睁着眼,看着郑屠道:“洒家特地要消遣你!”把两包臊子劈面打将去,却似下了一阵的“肉雨”。郑屠大怒,两条忿气从脚底下直冲到顶门,心头那一把无明业火,焰腾腾的按捺不 There was a small shop where he dared to come. Even the customer who was about to buy meat did not dare to come back. Zheng Daodao: “Is the person and the person who took the jurisdiction and sent it to the government office?” “Lu Da Dao:” We must then lay ten kilograms of gold cartilage. We must also meticulously make dumplings. Don’t see some meat. Above.”” Zheng Tu laughed: “Isn’t it a special pastime?” Luda listened, jumped up and took the two packs of nephews in his hand, staring at him, and looked at Zheng Tuodao: “Specially Pastime you!“ ”Put the two bags of dumplings to fight, but it looks like a flurry of rain." Zheng Tu was furious. Two snorkels rushed from under the soles of his feet to the top door. There was no ignorant fire in his heart, and the flames were not pressed.
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华裔之多,真给人以到了泰国如同“串亲戚”的感觉。当我在一次欢迎会上这样说了之后,竟获得热烈掌声。那以后,我把这话挂在嘴边,必能迅速融洽原本陌生的彼此 As many as Chi
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小客轮靠岸时,三哥用右手食指指着码头上的一个男人说,你看到了吗,呶,他就是舅舅。我看到一个三四十岁的瘦男人,穿着灰色的短袖衫,站在中午酷热的阳光下,正皱着眉头朝靠岸的小客轮张望。   我和三哥争先恐后地从船舱里跑出来。我十一岁了,从没坐过轮船,就连乡下也没去过。当我快超过三哥时,他突然停下来说,你急什么急,跟在我后面。三哥说这话的时候,还抬脚踢了我一下,好像他此刻是一只活蹦乱跳的驴。我不怕三哥,
一   父亲躺在病床上,扎着液体的手上像落了一只白色的蝴蝶。父亲朝手上看一眼,那只蝴蝶要飞起来了。不,飞起来的蝴蝶在院子里,在他种出的丝瓜秧、南瓜秧上。他想起大鹏和二鹏刚才的交代,叔,我爸的厂里今天有人过来,说是来看我爸,其实是看我爸还在不在?不用再问,父亲已经明白了。   父亲看了看洁白的墙,软软的被子,白色的窗帘,想起母亲离世前在这里住过。挤上眼,仿佛看见母亲躺在病床上,对着他说,你来了。
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