亲爱的网络同仁及朋友们: 在全国卫生工作会议召开之际,对于亿万中国人民和中国的卫生事业是一个重要的时刻。中国人民正在经历着由计划经济向市场经济转轨时期,经济和体制改革的进程促进了人民生活和健康水平的提高,但有时也有一些负面影响。卫生保健易于受到经济转轨的影响。你们是这个特殊历史时期的骨干,将为今后制定合理的卫生政策,促进全中国人民的健康做出贡献。 世界银行经济发展学院与中国卫生部和卫生经济培训与研究网络已有5年的合作历史。在这个伟大的时刻,我们将和你们
Dear network colleagues and friends: At the time of the National Health Work Conference, the health undertakings of hundreds of millions of Chinese people and China are an important moment. The Chinese people are undergoing a period of transition from a planned economy to a market economy. The process of economic and institutional reform has promoted the improvement of people’s lives and health, but sometimes it has some negative effects. Health care is vulnerable to economic transitions. You are the backbone of this special historical period and will contribute to the development of a sound health policy in the future and promote the health of the entire Chinese people. The World Bank’s Economic Development Institute has been working with the Chinese Ministry of Health and the Health Economics Training and Research Network for five years. In this great moment, we will be with you