7月28日上午10时,位于嘉兴市斜西街的中保财产保险公司大楼七楼西面窗口冒出一股浓烟。 “起火啦,起火啦!”过路群众见状,纷纷呼救。与此同时,大楼内铃声大作,一楼值班人员立即拨打119报警。 嘉兴市消防支队119指挥中心接到报警后,立即调派直属一、二中队四辆消防车前往扑救,同时,调动所属各地迅即增援。 10时零5分,一辆曲臂登高车和三辆消防车赶到现
At 10:00 on July 28, located in Jiaxing City oblique West Street, Fourth Floor, PICC Property and Casualty Insurance Company, a window on the west floor of a thick smoke. “Fire, fire it!” Crossing the masses seeing the situation, have called for help. In the meantime, the bell ringing in the building, the first floor staff on duty immediately call 119 alarm. After receiving the alarm, 119 command center of Jiaxing Fire Brigade immediately dispatched four fire engines of one or two squadrons directly to fight the blaze off and at the same time mobilized all localities to reinforce them immediately. At 1055 hours a curly-boarded car and three fire engines arrived