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近几年来,一种新型的商业组织形式 — 连锁店在我国一些大中城市悄然兴起,受到了群众的欢迎。上海市在发展商业连锁店方面起步早、发展快,短短的三年就形成了一定规模。为了学习和了解上海发展连锁店的作法和经验,北京市体改委和隆福大厦组成联合考察组赴上海考察学习。 一、上海市商业连锁店发展现状及特点 上海市连锁超市从1991年起步,当年9月联华超市商业公司的第一家门店——曲阳商场开业,经过两年多的大发展,到1993年底,全市已形成了“联华”、“华联”、“华润”、“八仙”、“百花”等十大连锁超市公司,连锁店网点达到330家。 In recent years, a new form of business organization, chain stores, has emerged quietly in some large and medium-sized cities in China and has been welcomed by the masses. Shanghai has started early and developed rapidly in the development of commercial chain stores, and it has formed a certain scale in a short period of three years. In order to learn and understand the practices and experiences of Shanghai’s development of chain stores, the Beijing Municipal Commission for Economic Restructuring and the Longfu Building formed a joint inspection team to study in Shanghai. I. Status Quo and Characteristics of the Development of Shanghai’s Commercial Chain Stores Chain supermarkets started in 1991. In September of that year, the first store of the Lianhua Supermarket Commercial Co., Ltd., Quyang Plaza opened. After more than two years of development, by the end of 1993, The city has formed 10 chain supermarket companies such as Lianhua, Hualian, China Resources, Eight Immortals, and Baihua. The number of chain store outlets has reached 330.
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