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据2000年世界卫生组织报告:每年有1700万人死于心血管疾病,即全球每3个死亡者中就有1个死于心血管疾病。这些死者中的80%在低中等收入国家。预计到2020年,因心血管疾病死亡的人数将比该数字增加50%,高达2500万。与此同时,发达国家如美国,一些欧洲国家、澳大利亚等国家的心血管病患者的死亡率正在下降,而东欧、俄罗斯、印度和中国等国家和地区,心血管疾病患者的死亡率却增长迅速。心血管病是全球卫生保健和卫生资源的巨大负担。在我国,心血管疾病自上世纪70年代以来始终是死亡率最高的三大疾病之一。这样的背景下,心血管疾病的防治尤其是如何预防,便成为大家所关注的问题。去年,北京垂杨柳医院举行了有关心血管病防治的健康讲座,首都医科大学心血管研究所所长胡大一教授作了精彩的报告,题为《心血管病要防患于未然》,现摘录于下: According to the 2000 World Health Organization report, 17 million people die from cardiovascular disease each year, and one out of every three deaths worldwide dies of cardiovascular disease. Eighty percent of these dead are in low-middle-income countries. It is estimated that by 2020, the number of deaths from cardiovascular diseases will increase by 50% from the figure to 25 million. At the same time, the mortality rate of cardiovascular diseases in developed countries such as the United States, some European countries, Australia and other countries is declining. In Eastern Europe, Russia, India and China and other countries and regions, the mortality rate of cardiovascular disease patients is increasing rapidly . Cardiovascular disease is a huge burden on global health and health resources. In our country, cardiovascular disease has been one of the three highest-fatal diseases since the 1970s. In this context, prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, especially how to prevent it, has become a matter of concern. Last year, Beijing Chaoyangliu Hospital held a health lecture on prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Prof. Hu Dayi, director of the Institute of Cardiovascular Research, Capital Medical University made a wonderful report titled “Cardiovascular Disease Prevented in the Please.” under:
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